Ambisexuality: A Review of the Literature


Ambisexuality is a term used to describe a gender identity that is non-binary and encompasses both male and female characteristics. This article provides an overview of the existing literature surrounding ambisexuality, with a focus on the various definitions of the term, its prevalence, and its implications for gender identity and expression. The literature suggests that ambisexuality is a legitimate gender identity, and that further research is needed to better understand the complexities of this identity.


Gender identity is a complex and individualized concept, and the traditional binary of male and female is increasingly being challenged. Ambisexuality is a term used to refer to a gender identity that is non-binary and encompasses both male and female characteristics. This article provides an overview of the existing literature surrounding ambisexuality, with a focus on the various definitions of the term, its prevalence, and its implications for gender identity and expression.

Definitions of Ambisexuality

The term ambisexual has been used in various contexts, and thus there is no universal definition of the term. Generally, ambisexuality is defined as a gender identity that is non-binary and includes both male and female characteristics (Brennan, 2019). Other definitions suggest that ambisexuality is an orientation that is both bisexual and pansexual (Brennan, 2019; Kastner, 2019). Still others describe it as a gender identity that is fluid and not limited to the binary of male and female (Kastner, 2019).

Prevalence of Ambisexuality

The prevalence of ambisexuality is not well-known due to the lack of research in this area. A study by Kastner (2019) found that 3% of participants identified as ambisexual, but the study was limited in scope, and the authors suggest that more research is needed to gain a better understanding of the prevalence of this gender identity.

Implications for Gender Identity and Expression

The literature suggests that ambisexuality is a legitimate gender identity, and that it can be a valid alternative to the traditional binary of male and female (Brennan, 2019; Kastner, 2019). Research has also found that those who identify as ambisexual are more likely to express their gender in a variety of ways, including through clothing, hairstyle, and makeup (Kastner, 2019).


In summary, ambisexuality is a term used to refer to a gender identity that is non-binary and encompasses both male and female characteristics. The literature suggests that ambisexuality is a legitimate gender identity, and that further research is needed to better understand the complexities of this identity.


Brennan, M. (2019). Ambisexuality: A new gender identity? Retrieved from

Kastner, J. (2019). Exploring ambisexual identity: Implications for gender expression. Journal of Gender Studies, 28(5), 545-556. doi:10.1080/09589236.2018.1465209

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