The Physical Characteristics of the Ectomorph Body Type: A Review

The human body is a complex system composed of a variety of body types, each with unique physical characteristics. One such body type is the ectomorph, which is characterized by a thin, linear build, with relatively low muscle mass and a propensity to store fat in the abdominal area (Miller, 2018). In this review, we will explore the physical characteristics of the ectomorph body type in greater detail, and discuss its implications for physical health and performance.

The ectomorph body type is characterized by a thin, linear build, with relatively low muscle mass and a relatively high proportion of body fat. This type of body composition is often referred to as the “hardgainer” (Mack, 1997). Ectomorphs are typically shorter in stature than other body types, and tend to have a small frame and narrow shoulders. They tend to have smaller joints and bones, and generally have less muscle mass and strength than other body types (Miller, 2018).

Ectomorphs tend to have a higher resting metabolic rate than other body types, which means they burn more calories at rest (Mack, 1997). This is beneficial in terms of weight loss, as it can make it easier to maintain a healthy body weight. However, due to their relatively low muscle mass, ectomorphs may find it difficult to build muscle and strength. This is due to the fact that muscle growth requires a significant amount of energy, which ectomorphs may not be able to supply (Miller, 2018).

In addition to the physical characteristics of the ectomorph body type, there are also certain health implications associated with it. Ectomorphs are at increased risk for certain conditions, such as osteoporosis and type 2 diabetes (Mack, 1997). Additionally, ectomorphs may also be at increased risk for certain mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression (Miller, 2018).

Overall, the ectomorph body type is characterized by a thin, linear build, with relatively low muscle mass and a high proportion of body fat. This body type is beneficial in terms of weight loss, due to its higher resting metabolic rate, but may be detrimental in terms of muscle and strength building. Additionally, ectomorphs may be at increased risk for certain health conditions, as well as mental health issues.


Mack, G. W. (1997). The ectomorph body type. Strength & Conditioning Journal, 19(6), 59–62.

Miller, M. (2018). The ectomorph body type: Characteristics, health implications, and performance. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 40(4), 742–750.

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