Electronystagmography (ENG) is a diagnostic test used to assess and diagnose disorders of the vestibular system. It is a specialized type of electrophysiological testing that uses a series of head and eye movements to evaluate the neural pathways that control balance and eye movements. This test is used by physicians to diagnose a variety of balance and eye movement disorders, such as peripheral vestibular dysfunction, central vestibular dysfunction, and brain stem or cerebellar lesions.

The ENG test is an objective and non-invasive method for evaluating the vestibular system. It is a five-step process that involves the patient making a series of head and eye movements while the physician records the responses. The test begins with the patient’s visual fixation on a target, followed by the patient making a series of head and eye movements. The physician then records the responses with electrodes placed on the patient’s scalp and eyelids. The electrodes measure the electrical activity of the muscles in the eyes and head, as well as the patient’s eye movements. The data is then analyzed and a diagnosis is made based on the results.

The results of the ENG test can be used to diagnose a variety of balance and eye movement disorders, such as peripheral vestibular dysfunction, central vestibular dysfunction, and brain stem or cerebellar lesions. The test can also be used to monitor the progress of vestibular rehabilitation, as well as to assess the effectiveness of medications and other treatments.

Electronystagmography is a useful diagnostic tool for evaluating the vestibular system. The test is a five-step process that involves the patient making a series of head and eye movements while the physician records the responses. The results of the ENG test can be used to diagnose a variety of balance and eye movement disorders, as well as to monitor the progress of vestibular rehabilitation and assess the effectiveness of treatments.

Al-Mulhim, A. A., Borges, J. A., & Dai, M. (2015). Electronystagmography: A review. International Journal of Otolaryngology, 2015. https://doi.org/10.1155/2015/826958

Fung, S. S., & Herdman, S. J. (2019). Vestibular Rehabilitation. In Vestibular Rehabilitation (pp. 34-51). Elsevier.

Huang, C., & Bhattacharyya, N. (2020). Electronystagmography. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

McCullagh, S., & Yung, M. (2020). Electronystagmography. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

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