Emotional Dissemblance: A Conceptual Analysis


Emotional dissemblance is a psychological concept developed by psychologist Robert J. Sternberg which focuses on a person’s ability to control and manage their emotions. It has been used to explain behavior in a variety of contexts, including interpersonal relationships, leadership, and decision-making. This article will provide a conceptual analysis of emotional dissemblance and its implications for psychology and related fields.


Sternberg (1987) defines emotional dissemblance as “the ability to pretend to feel, or appear to feel, an emotion which is not really felt” (p. 5). In other words, emotional dissemblance is the ability to hide one’s true emotional state and present an emotion that is different from the one that is actually experienced. This concept has been used to explain why people are able to mask their true emotions and motivations in certain situations, as well as why some people are more successful than others in certain contexts.


The concept of emotional dissemblance has been used to explain a variety of psychological phenomena. For example, it has been used to explain why some people are able to maintain a façade of happiness and positivity in the face of adversity (Sternberg, 1987). It has also been used to explain why certain people are more successful in certain situations, such as in interpersonal relationships, leadership roles, and decision-making. Additionally, the concept has been used to explain why some people are able to suppress their true emotions and motivations in certain contexts (Sternberg, 1987).


Emotional dissemblance is a psychological concept that has implications for a wide range of psychological phenomena. It is the ability to hide one’s true emotional state and present an emotion that is different from the one that is actually experienced. This concept has been used to explain a variety of psychological phenomena, such as why some people are able to maintain a façade of happiness and positivity in the face of adversity, as well as why some people are more successful than others in certain contexts.


Sternberg, R. J. (1987). The psychology of emotional dissemblance. Psychological Inquiry, 1(1), 4–9. https://doi.org/10.1207/s15327965pli0101_1

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