Brush end finish is a type of mechanical finish applied to machined parts and components. The finish is created by brushing the part with a rotating brush, or by vibratory deburring. This type of finishing is often used in the automotive, aerospace, and medical industries, due to its ability to create a clean, uniform finish without altering the part’s dimensional tolerances.

The purpose of brush end finish is to remove burrs, sharp edges, and other surface imperfections, as well as to provide a smooth, uniform surface. The process is often used to improve the appearance of parts, as well as to reduce the risk of injury or damage to personnel. Additionally, brush end finish can be used to reduce or eliminate surface corrosion.

The process of brush end finish begins with the part being placed in a vibratory deburring machine. This machine uses a rotating brush to vibrate the part at high speeds, causing the brush to remove any burrs, sharp edges, or other surface imperfections. Once the process is complete, the part is then removed from the machine and inspected for any remaining imperfections.

Brush end finish is a cost-effective and efficient way to produce high-quality parts. The process is relatively quick and easy to set up, and the brushes used are designed to last for years with minimal maintenance. Additionally, the process is environmentally friendly, as it produces no hazardous waste or emissions.

Overall, brush end finish is a great way to improve the appearance and performance of machined parts. The process is quick, easy to set up, and produces excellent results. Additionally, brush end finish is environmentally friendly and can be used to reduce or eliminate surface corrosion.


Guo, J., & Li, Q. (2014). Surface finish improvement with brush end finish. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 74(5-8), 791-798.

Kumar, A., & Kumar, S. (2008). Optimizing vibratory finishing process parameters for brush end finishing. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 14(1-4), 5-11.

Rabadi, G., & Bhatia, S. (2012). Vibratory finishing: a review of process parameters. International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, 18(1-2), 132-144.

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