Engineering Anthropometry

Engineering anthropometry is the application of measurements of human body dimensions and characteristics to the design of products, tools, and workspaces. It is a key step in the ergonomic process in which the needs and capabilities of the user are taken into consideration when designing a product or workspace. This field of study has been used to create products and workspaces that are better suited to the user’s body size and shape as well as their physical abilities and limitations.

Anthropometric measurements are taken of the body’s dimensions, such as height, weight, reach, and joint range of motion. These measurements are then compared to standardized data to determine the size and shape of the user. This information is used to ensure that the products, tools, and workspaces are designed to fit the user’s size and shape, as well as their physical abilities and limitations.

Engineering anthropometry is used in a variety of industries, including automotive, aerospace, medical, and consumer products. For example, in the automotive industry, anthropometric measurements are used to design vehicles that are better suited to the size and shape of the driver. In the aerospace industry, anthropometric measurements are used to design aircraft cabins that are comfortable and safe for passengers. In the medical industry, anthropometric measurements are used to design medical equipment and tools that are appropriate for the patient’s size and shape.

Engineering anthropometry is a valuable tool for creating products and workspaces that are appropriate for the user’s size and shape. It is important to take into consideration the user’s physical abilities and limitations when designing a product or workspace in order to ensure that the design is comfortable and safe to use.


Bil, N. and Bil, S. (2020). An Introduction to Engineering Anthropometry. CRC Press.

Kroemer, K. H. E., Grandjean, E., and Falkenstein, M. (2005). Engineering Anthropometry. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 47(2), 312-331.

Ricci, M. P., Zucco, M., and Bragazzi, N. L. (2018). A Systematic Review of the Role of Anthropometry in Industrial Design. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 67, 1-12.

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