Engineering psychology is an interdisciplinary field of research which aims to understand and improve the interaction between people and the technology they use in their daily lives. This field of research looks at how humans interact with technology, as well as how technology affects humans. Engineering psychology has been used to improve the design of products, services, and work environments, as well as to assess and improve the usability of systems.

Engineering psychology is primarily concerned with the application of psychological principles and research methods to the design, evaluation and optimization of human-technology systems. This includes activities such as understanding human behavior in relation to technology, designing, evaluating, and optimizing user interfaces, and developing tools to aid the decision-making process. By studying human-technology interactions, engineering psychology seeks to improve the usability and effectiveness of technologies and to reduce user errors.

Engineering psychology has become increasingly important in recent years due to the rapid growth of technological advances. As technology has become more pervasive, the need for understanding and improving the interaction between humans and technology has grown. Engineering psychology is used to design and evaluate user interfaces, to improve the usability of systems, and to reduce user errors. It is also used to assess the impact of technology on human behavior, and to inform the development of policies and procedures related to technology use.

Engineering psychology has been used to design and evaluate a variety of products and services, including user interfaces, medical devices, automobiles, and aircraft. It has also been used to assess the impact of technology on human behavior, and to inform the development of policies and procedures related to technology use. In addition, engineering psychology has been used to develop tools and techniques to improve the usability of systems, and to reduce user errors.

In conclusion, engineering psychology is an interdisciplinary field of research which seeks to understand and improve the interaction between people and the technology they use in their daily lives. By studying human-technology interactions, engineering psychology seeks to improve the usability and effectiveness of technologies and to reduce user errors. Engineering psychology has been used to design and evaluate a variety of products and services, as well as to assess the impact of technology on human behavior, and to inform the development of policies and procedures related to technology use.


Kim, D., & Bae, J. (2019). Engineering Psychology: A Comprehensive Overview. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, 29(2), 249-267.

Schutte, J. S., & Chen, P. (2017). Engineering Psychology: Theory, Research, and Application. Springer International Publishing.

Wang, Y., & Vertegaal, R. (2019). Engineering psychology: From technology assessment to human-centered design. ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 26(2), 1-24.

Yoo, Y., & Park, Y. (2019). The Role of Engineering Psychology in Human-Computer Interaction. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 35(3), 215-223.

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