Frottage: A Unique Art Technique

Frottage, which is also known as “rubbing” in French, is an art technique used to create an image by pressing a sheet of paper, or other material, onto a textured surface and transferring the texture to the paper (Drohojowska-Philp, 2018). This technique is often used to create intricate patterns or textures ranging from the natural world to the man-made. In this article, we will discuss the history, materials, and application of the frottage technique.


The frottage technique was first popularized by the surrealist artist Max Ernst in 1925 (Drohojowska-Philp, 2018). He developed the technique after seeing children playing with the rubbing of leaves to create patterns on paper. Ernst then began to experiment with the technique and was able to transfer the texture of bark, leaves, and other objects onto paper. This technique became a cornerstone of the surrealist movement, as it allowed Ernst to “capture the randomness and unpredictability of the natural world” (Drohojowska-Philp, 2018).


The materials used for frottage are relatively simple and include paper, graphite, colored pencils, and any other material that can be used to transfer a texture. The most common paper used is a thin, smooth paper such as vellum or tracing paper, as these materials are less likely to tear or be damaged when rubbed against a textured surface. Graphite and colored pencils are used to add detail to the image, as they can be used to draw lines and shapes into the texture created by the rubbing.


The frottage technique can be applied to many different surfaces, such as wood, stone, metal, and fabric. To create an image using the frottage technique, the paper is placed on the surface and then rubbed with a pencil or other object, such as a crayon or a stick. This creates a texture on the paper that can then be used as a basis for the artwork. The artist can then use graphite or colored pencils to add detail to the image, creating an intricate and unique piece of art.


In conclusion, frottage is a unique art technique that was popularized by the surrealist movement. The technique involves the use of paper, graphite, and colored pencils to create intricate images by transferring the texture of a textured surface onto paper. The frottage technique can be applied to many different surfaces and used to create unique and detailed pieces of art.


Drohojowska-Philp, H. (2018). Max Ernst’s Frottage: The Surrealist Technique That Made Abstract Art Possible. Artsy. Retrieved from

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