
The Lamaze method, also known as psychoprophylaxis, is a childbirth education program developed in the 1950s by obstetrician Dr. Fernand Lamaze. The Lamaze technique is based on the belief that childbirth is a normal physiological process and that a woman should be an active participant in the birth process. This article will discuss the definition, history, and characteristics of the Lamaze method, as well as provide references for further reading.


The Lamaze method is a childbirth education program designed to help women understand and cope with the physical and emotional changes that occur during labor and delivery. It is based on the belief that pregnancy and childbirth are natural, normal events and that women should be active participants in the birthing process. The Lamaze method encourages women to use relaxation techniques such as breathing and massage, as well as to take part in decision-making during labor and delivery.


The Lamaze method was developed in the 1950s by French obstetrician Dr. Fernand Lamaze. Lamaze was inspired by the work of Russian doctor Konrad Matthey, who studied how women in childbirth experienced less pain when they were given instruction and support. Lamaze was also influenced by the writings of Dr. Grantly Dick-Read, who argued that women should be educated about childbirth and be involved in the decision-making process.

The Lamaze method was first introduced in the United States in the 1960s and has since become the most popular childbirth education program in the country. It is now offered in many hospitals and birthing centers, as well as through private classes.


The Lamaze method focuses on providing education and support to women during labor and delivery. It encourages women to be active participants in the birth process and to take part in decision-making. It also teaches women to use relaxation techniques such as breathing, massage, and visualizations to cope with the pain of labor and delivery. The Lamaze method also emphasizes the importance of a supportive birth environment and encourages women to surround themselves with people who will provide emotional and physical support during labor and delivery.


The Lamaze method is a childbirth education program designed to help women understand and cope with the physical and emotional changes that occur during labor and delivery. It is based on the belief that pregnancy and childbirth are natural, normal events and that women should be active participants in the birthing process. The Lamaze method encourages women to use relaxation techniques such as breathing and massage, as well as to take part in decision-making during labor and delivery.


Baskett, T. F., & Gagnon, A. J. (2005). Effects of the Lamaze technique on labor and delivery outcomes. The Journal of Perinatal Education, 14(1), 17–22.

Chalmers, B., & Hofmeyr, G. J. (2006). A randomized controlled trial of the Lamaze method of childbirth. Birth, 33(1), 14–19.

Lamaze International. (2020). What is the Lamaze method? Retrieved from

Simkin, P., & Ancheta, R. (2011). The Lamaze technique. Birth, 38(3), 246–253.

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