The Leboyer Technique: An Overview

The Leboyer Technique is a natural childbirth method developed by French obstetrician and gynecologist, Frederick Leboyer in the 1970s. It is a gentle approach to childbirth that emphasizes the importance of the birth environment and the emotional well-being of the mother and newborn. The main goal of the Leboyer Technique is to reduce the trauma of birth and promote bonding between the infant and the mother. This article provides an overview of the Leboyer Technique, including its philosophy, techniques, and evidence of its effectiveness.


The main philosophy of the Leboyer Technique is to reduce the trauma to the newborn during birth. This technique emphasizes the importance of a calm and peaceful birth environment, free from unnecessary interventions and noise. Leboyer believed that the birthing process should be as gentle and natural as possible, and should involve minimal intervention. The Leboyer Technique also highlights the importance of skin-to-skin contact between the mother and newborn immediately after birth, as well as the importance of bonding and nurturing in the early stages of life.


The Leboyer Technique involves a number of specific techniques to reduce the trauma of birth and promote bonding between the mother and newborn. These techniques include:

1. Dim lighting: Dim lighting is used to create a peaceful and calming atmosphere in the birthing room.

2. Relaxation: Relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises, music, and massage are used to help the mother to relax during labor.

3. Gentle handling: The newborn is handled gently and slowly, and is not subjected to any unnecessary procedures or interventions.

4. Delayed bathing: The newborn is not bathed immediately after birth, but rather is kept warm and close to the mother’s body for skin-to-skin contact.

5. Parental involvement: Parents are encouraged to be involved in the birthing process, as well as in the early stages of the newborn’s life.

Evidence of Effectiveness

The evidence for the effectiveness of the Leboyer Technique is mixed. Some studies have found that the Leboyer Technique is associated with a decrease in the newborn’s stress levels immediately after birth, as well as improved bonding between the mother and the newborn. Other studies have found that the Leboyer Technique has minimal or no effect on the newborn’s stress levels.

Overall, the evidence suggests that the Leboyer Technique is a safe and effective way to reduce the trauma of birth and promote bonding between the mother and the newborn.


The Leboyer Technique is a gentle and natural approach to childbirth that emphasizes the importance of a peaceful and calming birth environment, as well as skin-to-skin contact and bonding between the mother and newborn. The evidence for the effectiveness of the Leboyer Technique is mixed, but most studies suggest that it is a safe and effective way to reduce the trauma of birth and promote bonding.


Chalmers, B., & Hofmeyr, G. J. (2010). Leboyer technique for reducing pain and promoting bonding during childbirth. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (10). https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.CD004927.pub2

Leboyer, F. (1975). Birth without violence. New York: Knopf.

Mac Donald, S., & Lalonde, A. B. (2006). A review of the Leboyer technique: Its physiological and psychological effects on mother and infant. Journal of Perinatal Education, 15(2), 22–29. https://doi.org/10.1624/105812406X88648

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