Lexicon is a term used to describe the vocabulary of a certain language or field of study. In linguistics, a lexicon is a collection of words and their definitions. It often includes inflected forms of words, as well as other related terms. Lexicons are used to study the structure of a language, the meaning of words, and the relationships between words (Štekauer, 2017).

A lexicon is a necessary component of any language. It provides the foundation for the formation of words and their meanings. It also plays a role in the development of an individual’s language skills. For example, a person with a large lexicon is likely to have a better understanding of language than someone with a smaller lexicon. Additionally, a person’s lexicon can also affect their ability to communicate effectively.

Lexicons can be divided into two main types: open and closed. Open lexicons are those which are constantly growing; they are composed of new words and terms that enter the language over time. Closed lexicons, on the other hand, are those which are relatively static; they are composed of words and terms that are already established and unlikely to change (Štekauer, 2017).

Lexicons are also used in a variety of other fields. For example, in computer science, a lexicon is a collection of terms related to a particular programming language or system. The lexicon can be used to help developers write code more effectively. In the field of psychology, lexicons are used to study the relationships between words and concepts (Štekauer, 2017).

Lexicons are an important part of any language or field of study. They provide the foundation for the formation of words and their meanings, and they can help individuals learn and understand language more effectively. Additionally, lexicons can be used to study the structure of a language, the meaning of words, and the relationships between words.


Štekauer, P. (2017). The Oxford handbook of lexicography. Oxford University Press.

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