Life Lies: What They Are and How They Impact Our Mental Health

Life lies are statements or beliefs that people hold about their lives which are not based in reality. These beliefs, which can be positive or negative, are often derived from past experiences and can affect our mental health. This article reviews the concept of life lies and their impacts on mental health.

Definition of Life Lies

Life lies are statements or beliefs that people have about themselves or their lives which are not based in reality. They can be positive or negative and can influence how people view themselves and their lives. Life lies can include beliefs such as “I will never amount to anything” or “I am the best at everything”. They are often derived from past experiences and can be difficult to recognize as being untrue.

Impacts of Life Lies

Life lies can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental health. Research has shown that they can lead to negative feelings such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem (Richardson, 2017). They can also affect how people interact with others, as they may be inclined to believe that their life lies are true and therefore act in accordance with them. For example, someone who believes they are not worthy of love may act in ways that push people away or avoid relationships altogether.

Managing Life Lies

In order to better manage life lies, it is important to recognize them and work to challenge them. This can be done through creating a list of life lies and then writing down evidence to support or refute each one (Sussman, 2017). Engaging in activities such as mindfulness, journaling, and exercising can also be helpful in recognizing and managing life lies. Additionally, seeking help from a mental health professional can be beneficial in identifying and challenging life lies.


Life lies are beliefs that people have about their lives that are not based in reality. They can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental health and can lead to negative feelings such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. It is important to recognize and challenge life lies in order to better manage them.


Richardson, J. (2017). Life lies: What they are and how to overcome them. Psych Central. Retrieved from

Sussman, J. (2017). How to recognize and overcome life lies. Psychology Today. Retrieved from

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