Mediated Response: An Overview

Mediated responses are a type of communication that is used to mediate between two or more people. They can be used to resolve conflicts, provide advice, or help manage difficult conversations. In this article, we will discuss the basics of mediated response, its benefits, and best practices.


Mediated response is defined as a communication process that is used to establish or restore balance between two or more people. It is based on the premise that when two people are unable to reach a resolution on their own, a third party can act as an intermediary to help facilitate a resolution. This third party is typically neutral and does not take sides; instead, they are focused on helping the two parties reach an agreement.


Mediated responses have a number of advantages. First, they can help reduce conflict by providing an impartial third party to guide the conversation and help the two parties reach a resolution. Second, they can help create a more open and trusting environment, as both parties are allowed to express their views without fear of judgement. Third, they can also help increase communication between the two parties, as the mediator can ensure that all views are heard in a respectful manner. Finally, mediated responses can also help reduce stress and anxiety as both parties have a safe space to express their feelings and concerns.

Best Practices

When engaging in a mediated response, there are a few best practices to keep in mind. First, the mediator should create a safe space for both parties to express their views and feelings. Second, they should remain impartial and not take sides or offer advice. Third, they should be open and honest about their own biases and beliefs. Finally, they should be aware of the power dynamics between the two parties, and ensure that everyone is heard and respected.


Mediated responses are a powerful tool to help resolve conflicts, promote understanding, and increase communication between two or more people. They can help create a more open and trusting environment, and reduce stress and anxiety. By following the best practices outlined in this article, mediators can ensure that all parties feel heard and respected.


Crowder, K. (2019). What Is Mediated Response? Retrieved from

Kim, H., & Lavelle, K. (2019). Mediated Response: A Key to Conflict Resolution. Retrieved from

Lifeline Crisis Support. (2020). What Is Mediation? Retrieved from

McGhee, M., & Nierenberg, G. (2020). Mediation: A Powerful Tool for Conflict Resolution. Retrieved from

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