Mental asthenia is a term that refers to a state of physical and mental exhaustion, often accompanied by feelings of mental and physical weakness. It is a condition that can affect people of any age, gender, or background and is not limited to any particular culture or population. It is a condition that can be temporary or chronic and can cause a range of mental and physical symptoms. This article will discuss the causes, symptoms, and treatment of mental asthenia.


Mental asthenia is often caused by stress or a combination of physical and mental exhaustion. It can be a result of overwork, a lack of sleep, or a stressful situation. It can also be caused by a physical illness or injury, or even psychological trauma. In some cases, mental asthenia can be caused by a combination of factors.


Mental asthenia can manifest in many different ways. Common symptoms include fatigue, difficulty concentrating, reduced energy levels, difficulty making decisions, memory problems, feelings of worthlessness, anxiety, depression, irritability, and difficulty sleeping.


Treatment of mental asthenia is focused on reducing stress and increasing energy levels. Rest and relaxation are important treatments that should be combined with physical activity. Psychological therapy can also be used to help cope with the symptoms of mental asthenia. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has been found to be effective in reducing symptoms. In some cases, medications such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications may be prescribed.


Mental asthenia is a condition that can cause physical and mental exhaustion and a range of symptoms. It is often caused by stress or physical and mental exhaustion and can be accompanied by feelings of mental and physical weakness. Treatment of mental asthenia is focused on reducing stress and increasing energy levels and can include rest and relaxation, physical activity, and psychological therapy.


Klein, A. J., & Mignogna, J. (2020). Mental asthenia: Symptoms, causes, and treatments. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment, 16, 13-19.

Liu, Y., Liu, Y., Zhou, Y., & Qiu, L. (2018). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for mental asthenia: A systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Psychiatry, 18(1), 69.

Tanaka, M., & Kawakami, N. (2017). Mental asthenia as a modern lifestyle-related disorder. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 71(3), 160–168.

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