Moral Conduct

Moral conduct is a term used to describe how one behaves in accordance with ethical principles and values. It is an important concept in both philosophical and religious discourse, as it is often considered to be the foundation of a moral life. Moral conduct involves both the individual’s behavior and their attitudes towards others. This article will discuss the definition of moral conduct, how it is expressed in different contexts, and how it is related to ethical decision-making.

Defining Moral Conduct

Moral conduct can be defined as the behavior and attitude of an individual in accordance with accepted ethical principles and values. It is often seen as the foundation of a moral life, as it is the individual’s expression of their moral values and beliefs. Moral conduct is typically based on a set of rules or norms, which may be derived from cultural practices, religious teachings, or philosophical theories.

Expressions of Moral Conduct

Moral conduct can take many forms, depending on the context in which it is expressed. For example, in a professional setting, moral conduct may involve following proper protocols and standards of behavior, such as treating colleagues and customers with respect. In a personal context, moral conduct may involve following one’s own moral values, such as being honest with others and acting in accordance with one’s conscience. In a religious context, moral conduct may involve following the teachings of one’s faith, such as showing compassion towards others.

Relationship to Ethical Decision-Making

Moral conduct is closely related to ethical decision-making. Ethical decision-making involves making decisions based on a set of ethical principles and values. When making ethical decisions, individuals must take into account the consequences of their actions, as well as their own moral values. Therefore, moral conduct is an important consideration in ethical decision-making, as it is the individual’s expression of their values and beliefs.


Moral conduct is an important concept in both philosophical and religious discourse, as it is often seen as the foundation of a moral life. Moral conduct involves both the individual’s behavior and their attitudes towards others. It is expressed in different contexts and is closely related to ethical decision-making, as it is the individual’s expression of their values and beliefs.


American Psychological Association (APA). (2020). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct. Retrieved from

Boyd, M. (2019). What is moral conduct? Retrieved from

Johnson, B. (2017). Ethical decision making and personal values. Retrieved from

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