Morpho- (Morph-) is an ancient Greek prefix that refers to the form, shape, or structure of something. It is used in many scientific fields, including anatomy, biology, botany, genetics, and linguistics. In biology, morpho- is used to describe the physical characteristics of organisms, such as their size, shape, and color. In genetics, morpho- is used to describe the inherited traits of an organism, such as the shape of its chromosomes or the size of its nucleotides. In linguistics, morpho- is used to describe the structure of words, such as the sound of its syllables.

Morpho- is also used in a variety of other scientific disciplines, such as geology, chemistry, and physics. In geology, morpho- is used to describe the structure of rocks or landforms. In chemistry, morpho- is used to describe the shape of molecules or their arrangement in a crystal lattice. In physics, morpho- is used to describe the shape or structure of particles, waves, or fields.

The term morpho- is derived from the Greek word “morphē,” which means form or shape. Morpho- is related to the root “morph” which is derived from the same Greek word and is used in many scientific terms, such as morphology, metamorphosis, and polymorphism.

Morpho- is an important prefix in many scientific fields and is used to describe the physical characteristics or structure of various objects. It is useful in understanding the physical makeup of organisms, molecules, and particles, as well as the structure of words.


De La Torre, J., & Mendez, E. (2010). Morphology: A Comprehensive Textbook. Berlin: Springer.

Hall, A. R. (2013). A Dictionary of Science: 5th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Hosking, R. J. (2006). The Cambridge Dictionary of Science and Technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kozloff, E. N. (2013). Invertebrates. Sunderland: Sinauer Associates.

The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language. (2019). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

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