The National Academies National Alliance for the Mentally 111 (NAMI) is an advocacy organization dedicated to improving the quality of life of individuals and families affected by mental illness. NAMI provides support, education, and advocacy services to those affected by mental illness. It also works to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and to promote public awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by individuals and families affected by mental illness.

NAMI was founded in 1979 by a group of family members of individuals living with mental illness. Since then, it has grown into a national organization with chapters in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. NAMI’s mission is to improve the lives of all those affected by mental illness, especially those living with mental illness and their families. To this end, NAMI provides services such as support groups, educational programs, public awareness campaigns, and legislative advocacy.

NAMI’s support groups provide a safe and supportive environment for individuals living with mental illness and their families. The groups are facilitated by trained family members and other volunteers and focus on providing emotional support, education, and advocacy. NAMI also offers many educational programs about various mental health topics, including diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. These programs are designed to increase public awareness and understanding of mental illness and to reduce the stigma associated with it.

In addition to providing support and education, NAMI also engages in legislative advocacy. For example, NAMI has worked to ensure that individuals with mental illness have access to quality mental health care, to ensure adequate funding for mental health services, and to reduce discrimination against individuals with mental illness.

NAMI’s work has had a lasting impact on the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness. By providing support, education, and advocacy, NAMI has helped to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness and to increase public awareness and understanding of the challenges faced by individuals and families affected by mental illness.


National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). About NAMI. Retrieved from

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). NAMI Support Groups. Retrieved from

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). NAMI Education Programs. Retrieved from

National Alliance on Mental Illness. (n.d.). NAMI Legislative Advocacy. Retrieved from

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