The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is a federal agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Established in 1949, the NIMH is the largest research organization in the world devoted to mental health research. The institute supports research and training in the fields of psychiatry, psychology, neuroscience, epidemiology, basic and clinical science, and public health. The NIMH is dedicated to advancing the understanding, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses and promoting mental health.

The NIMH has a broad research agenda that includes basic, translational, and clinical research aimed at understanding the causes and developing treatments for mental illnesses. The institute also provides research training and funding for research projects and programs. The NIMH also works to improve public health by supporting research into prevention, early diagnosis, and treatment of mental illnesses.

NIMH research focuses on developing innovative treatments for mental illnesses, understanding the biological, psychological, and social factors that contribute to mental disorders, and developing public health initiatives to reduce the burden of mental illness. The institute also funds research into the development of new technologies, such as brain imaging, to better understand the brain and how it works.

The NIMH also works to increase public awareness about mental health issues and to reduce the stigma associated with mental illness. The institute sponsors public health campaigns to raise awareness about mental health issues, and sponsors educational programs to help individuals and families understand the signs and symptoms of mental illness and how to seek help. The NIMH also supports research into public policy and legislation related to mental health.

The NIMH is a leader in efforts to increase access to mental health services and to reduce disparities in access to mental health services. The institute works with other federal agencies and with state and local governments to improve access to mental health care. The NIMH also works to improve access to mental health services for underserved populations, such as rural and minority communities.

The NIMH provides a variety of resources for individuals, families, and professionals interested in mental health research and treatment. The institute’s website,, offers information about mental health topics, research, clinical trials, and public health campaigns. The website also provides links to mental health resources, such as national organizations and state-level programs.

The NIMH is an important resource for mental health research and services in the United States. By supporting research and programs that increase understanding and access to mental health care, the NIMH continues to make a significant contribution to improving mental health and reducing the burden of mental illness.


National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). About NIMH. Retrieved from

National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Mental health information. Retrieved from

National Institute of Mental Health. (n.d.). Resources. Retrieved from

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2020). National Institute of Mental Health. Retrieved from

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