Mental health is an area of increasing concern in the United States. The National Mental Health Association (NMHA) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting mental health, preventing mental illnesses, and improving the lives of those affected by mental illness and addiction. This paper aims to provide an overview of the NMHA, its mission, goals, and activities.

The NMHA was established in 1949 by a group of psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and other professionals. The organization’s mission is to improve mental health through advocacy, education, research, and service. To achieve this goal, the NMHA works to increase public awareness and understanding of mental health issues; advocate for evidence-based policies and programs; promote research and training; and provide education, resources, and support for individuals and families affected by mental health problems.

The NMHA has several key objectives, including promoting public awareness and understanding of mental health issues; advocating for evidence-based policies and programs; promoting research and training; and providing education, resources, and support for individuals and families affected by mental health problems. The organization also works to reduce stigma and discrimination related to mental health, improve access to quality care, and advance the field of mental health through research and innovation.

The NMHA engages in various activities to achieve its goals. The organization provides information and resources on its website and in its publications, hosts webinars and other virtual events, and leads advocacy campaigns to influence policy and public opinion. The NMHA also works with other organizations and partners to provide support and resources for individuals and families affected by mental health conditions.

In conclusion, the National Mental Health Association is an important organization that works to improve public understanding of mental health issues, reduce stigma and discrimination, and provide resources and support for individuals and families affected by mental health problems. The NMHA engages in a range of activities to achieve its goals and advance the field of mental health.


National Mental Health Association. (2020). About us. Retrieved from

National Mental Health Association. (2020). Our mission. Retrieved from

National Mental Health Association. (2020). Our objectives. Retrieved from

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