Negative transference is a phenomenon in psychotherapy in which a client’s feelings and attitudes towards a therapist become negative and hostile, based on their past experiences with significant figures. This often occurs in the form of blaming, criticizing, or otherwise disregarding the therapist for something they did not do. The phenomenon is believed to be a defense mechanism that the client develops to protect themselves from the vulnerability of entering a therapeutic relationship.

Transference is a normal and expected part of psychotherapy, but negative transference can be especially problematic. It can cause the client to become resistant to treatment and can lead to a breakdown in the therapeutic relationship. As such, it is important for clinicians to be aware of the signs of negative transference and to use interventions to help their clients recognize and address it.

Negative transference can be characterized by a variety of behaviors, including verbal and nonverbal aggression, manipulation, and avoidance. It can also manifest itself in more subtle ways, such as expecting the therapist to be perfect or to always have the answers. In some cases, clients may even become hostile or aggressive towards the therapist.

The underlying cause of negative transference is typically rooted in unresolved issues from the client’s childhood, such as unresolved feelings of anger, fear, or shame. It is important for the clinician to understand the origin of the client’s transference in order to address it effectively.

Interventions for addressing negative transference can include psychoeducation, cognitive-behavioral interventions, and supportive interventions. These interventions can help the client recognize the source of their negative feelings and take steps to change their behavior. It is also important for the therapist to remain nonjudgmental and to demonstrate empathy to help the client feel safe and supported.

Negative transference can be a difficult issue to address in psychotherapy, but it is an important part of the therapeutic process. By recognizing the signs of negative transference and utilizing appropriate interventions, therapists can help their clients work through their issues and move forward in treatment.


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Perez-Alvarez, M. (2015). Negative transference in psychoanalytic psychotherapy: A clinical review. Psychotherapy (Chicago, Ill.), 52(2), 287–293.

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