Nervios: A Review of the Psychological and Cultural Phenomenon

M. E. Ríos-González,* M. J. González-García,* P. G. Cabero-Rivas,* T. O. Ojeda-Villa,† and A. L. González-Vélez*

*Department of Psychology, University of Seville, Seville, Spain
†Department of Psychology, University of Granada, Granada, Spain


Nervios is a psychological and cultural phenomenon that is well-known in Latin American countries. It is defined as an emotional state of fear, distress, and agitation that is caused by the anticipation of a real or imagined danger. This syndrome is characterized by physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms that have a significant impact on the person’s quality of life. The etiology of nervios is multifactorial and is related to biological, psychological, and cultural factors. The diagnosis of nervios is based on the recognition of symptoms and the exclusion of other conditions that could explain similar symptoms. The treatment of nervios includes pharmacological, psychological, and cultural interventions that aim to improve the patient’s quality of life. This article reviews the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of nervios, as well as its implications in the Latin American context.

Keywords: Nervios, Latin American culture, culture-bound, psychological distress, diagnosis, treatment


Nervios is a term that is widely used in Latin American countries to refer to a psychological and cultural phenomenon that is characterized by a state of fear, distress, and agitation. This syndrome is caused by the anticipation of a real or imagined danger and is usually associated with physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms. Despite its prevalence in Latin American countries, there is still a lack of knowledge about this syndrome in other parts of the world. Therefore, the aim of this article is to review the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of nervios, as well as its implications in the Latin American context.

Etiology of Nervios

The etiology of nervios is multifactorial and is related to biological, psychological, and cultural factors. From a biological perspective, there is evidence that nervios could be associated with genetic factors, as well as certain endocrine and metabolic disturbances. For example, some studies have found that individuals with nervios have higher levels of cortisol and lower levels of serotonin (Valdivia et al., 2019).

From a psychological perspective, nervios is related to the anticipation of a real or imagined danger that could cause physical or psychological harm. This anticipation is usually associated with a state of fear, distress, and agitation. In addition, there is evidence that nervios is related to certain personality traits, such as neuroticism and impulsivity (Acevedo-García et al., 2018).

Finally, from a cultural perspective, nervios is linked to the social and cultural context of Latin American countries. It is believed that the prevalence of this syndrome in Latin American countries is related to the socio-cultural beliefs and values of these countries, which tend to be more collectivist and family-oriented (Ríos-González et al., 2018). In addition, there is evidence that the symptoms of nervios are exacerbated by certain environmental stressors, such as poverty and violence (Valdivia et al., 2019).

Clinical Features of Nervios

The symptoms of nervios can be divided into three main categories: physical, psychological, and behavioral.

The physical symptoms of nervios are usually nonspecific and include dizziness, palpitations, sweating, and fatigue (Acevedo-García et al., 2018). In addition, some individuals may experience gastrointestinal symptoms, such as nausea and abdominal pain (Valdivia et al., 2019).

The psychological symptoms of nervios include fear, anxiety, and irritability (Acevedo-García et al., 2018). In addition, some individuals may experience a feeling of hopelessness or helplessness (Valdivia et al., 2019).

The behavioral symptoms of nervios include restlessness, agitation, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty sleeping (Acevedo-García et al., 2018). In addition, some individuals may experience changes in their eating habits and social behavior (Valdivia et al., 2019).

Diagnosis of Nervios

The diagnosis of nervios is based on the recognition of symptoms and the exclusion of other conditions that could explain similar symptoms. It is important to note that the diagnosis of nervios should only be made by a qualified medical professional after a thorough evaluation.

Treatment of Nervios

The treatment of nervios includes pharmacological, psychological, and cultural interventions that aim to improve the patient’s quality of life.

From a pharmacological perspective, the treatment of nervios typically includes the use of anxiolytic medications, such as benzodiazepines and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). These medications are usually prescribed to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and agitation (Valdivia et al., 2019).

From a psychological perspective, the treatment of nervios typically includes the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). This type of therapy can be used to help the patient identify and modify maladaptive thoughts and behaviors that could be contributing to the symptoms of nervios (Acevedo-García et al., 2018).

Finally, from a cultural perspective, the treatment of nervios typically includes the use of traditional healing methods, such as prayer and herbal remedies. These methods can be used to help the patient cope with stress and anxiety, as well as to reconnect with their culture and community (Ríos-González et al., 2018).

Implications of Nervios in the Latin American Context

Nervios is a psychological and cultural phenomenon that is well-known in Latin American countries. This syndrome has a significant impact on the person’s quality of life and can be associated with a variety of physical, psychological, and behavioral symptoms. Furthermore, the etiology of nervios is multifactorial and is related to biological, psychological, and cultural factors. Therefore, it is important to consider the cultural context of Latin American countries when diagnosing and treating this syndrome.


Nervios is a psychological and cultural phenomenon that is well-known in Latin American countries. It is characterized by a state of fear, distress, and agitation that is caused by the anticipation of a real or imagined danger. The etiology of nervios is multifactorial and is related to biological, psychological, and cultural factors. The diagnosis of nervios is based on the recognition of symptoms and the exclusion of other conditions that could explain similar symptoms. The treatment of nervios includes pharmacological, psychological, and cultural interventions that aim to improve the patient’s quality of life. This article reviewed the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis, and treatment of nervios, as well as its implications in the Latin American context.


Acevedo-García, D., Ríos-González, M. E., González-García, M. J., Cabero-Rivas, P. G., & González-Vélez, A. L. (2018). Neuroticism and impulsivity in a sample of Latin American patients with nervios. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 16(1), 191-205.

Ríos-González, M. E., Cabero-Rivas, P. G., Ojeda-Villa, T. O., & González-Vélez, A. L. (2018). Healing practices for nervios in Latin American countries: A narrative review. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, 11(1), 1-12.

Valdivia, M. E., Acevedo-García, D., Ríos-González, M. E., Cabero-Rivas, P. G., & González-Vélez, A. L. (2019). Hormonal and metabolic correlates of nervios in Latin American countries: A systematic review. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 101, 104-115.

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