The nigrostriatal tract is a key component of the basal ganglia, a group of interconnected brain regions known to be involved in motor control, cognition, and emotion. The nigrostriatal tract is composed of a collection of axons that originate from dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and travel to the dorsal striatum. This tract plays an important role in the control of movement, reward processing, and habit formation, and dysfunction of this system has been linked to disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, Huntington’s disease, and substance abuse. Here we review the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nigrostriatal tract, and discuss the implications of its dysfunction.

The Anatomy of the Nigrostriatal Tract

The nigrostriatal tract is composed of a collection of axons that originate from dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and project to the dorsal striatum. The neurons of the substantia nigra are divided into two parts: the pars compacta (SNc) and the pars reticulata (SNr). The SNc contains dopaminergic neurons which produce dopamine, and the SNr contains neurons which regulate the activity of the dopaminergic neurons. The axons of the SNc project to the dorsal striatum, where the dopamine binds to receptors and modulates the activity of the neurons.

The Physiology of the Nigrostriatal Tract

The nigrostriatal tract is believed to play an important role in the control of movement. The dopamine released by the neurons of the SNc activate the medium spiny neurons of the dorsal striatum, which in turn project to the globus pallidus and the thalamus. This then leads to the modulation of the activity of the motor cortex, allowing for the control of movement.

The nigrostriatal tract is also believed to play a role in reward processing and habit formation. Dopamine is known to be involved in reward processing, and the activity of the nigrostriatal tract has been linked to reward-related behaviors such as drug-seeking and operant learning. In addition, the dopamine released by the neurons of the SNc has been linked to the formation of habits, as it is believed to be important in the strengthening of connections between neurons.

The Pathology of the Nigrostriatal Tract

Dysfunction of the nigrostriatal tract has been linked to a number of disorders. The most notable of these is Parkinson’s disease, a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by motor deficits such as tremor, rigidity, and bradykinesia. Loss of dopaminergic neurons in the SNc is thought to be the primary cause of the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.

Other disorders that have been linked to dysfunction of the nigrostriatal tract include dystonia, Huntington’s disease, and substance abuse. Dystonia is a disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions which can lead to abnormal postures or movements. Huntington’s disease is a genetic disorder that is characterized by cognitive and motor decline. Substance abuse has also been linked to dysfunction of the nigrostriatal tract, as dopamine is known to be involved in the rewarding effects of drugs of abuse.


The nigrostriatal tract is a key component of the basal ganglia, and plays an important role in the control of movement, reward processing, and habit formation. Dysfunction of this system has been linked to a number of disorders, including Parkinson’s disease, dystonia, Huntington’s disease, and substance abuse. Further research is needed to better understand the role of the nigrostriatal tract in health and disease.


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