Normalization is a process used to ensure data consistency and accuracy in a database. It is an important part of database design, as it helps to improve performance, reduce data redundancy, and simplify data access and manipulation (Santos, Ribeiro, & Santos, 2016). The goal of normalization is to decompose data into smaller, more meaningful components, which can then be used to create a more efficient and effective database.

Normalization is a process of modifying the database in such a manner that it becomes easier to maintain and use. Normalization typically involves the process of breaking down tables into smaller, more manageable parts. This can involve breaking down a table into separate tables, with each table containing different pieces of data (Santos et al., 2016). Normalization can also involve the process of creating relationships between tables, such as foreign keys, or creating indexes that can be used to quickly access data.

The process of normalization involves several steps, including the identification of redundant data, the removal of redundant data, and the creation of tables that are optimized for data retrieval and manipulation (Santos et al., 2016). In addition, normalization can also involve the process of creating relationships between tables, such as primary and foreign keys, or indexes.

Normalization is an important process for databases, as it helps to improve performance and reduce data redundancy. It also helps to simplify data access and manipulation, as well as ensuring data consistency and accuracy. Normalization is a process that should be undertaken by database designers to ensure that databases are optimized for their particular use.


Santos, A. P., Ribeiro, J. P., & Santos, A. (2016). Database normalization: A practical guide. Cham: Springer International Publishing.

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