North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA): A Comprehensive Review

The North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) is an international, interdisciplinary organization dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the field of sport, exercise, and physical activity (SEPA). Established in 1977, NASPSPA is committed to encouraging the development of psychological science, theory, and practice related to SEPA. This review will provide an overview of the organization, its purpose, and its accomplishments.

Mission and Purpose

NASPSPA’s mission is to promote the psychological study of sport, exercise, and physical activity. Specifically, the organization strives to: (1) increase awareness of the importance of psychological and behavioral aspects of SEPA; (2) provide a forum for the exchange of research and ideas; (3) facilitate communication between scientists and practitioners; (4) promote the development of new theory and research; (5) foster the application of psychological science; (6) develop policy related to SEPA; and (7) serve as a resource for the public.


NASPSPA is composed of three main divisions: the North American Division (NAD), the South American Division (SAD), and the International Division (ID). The NAD serves as the parent organization for all NASPSPA members in the United States and Canada. The SAD serves as the parent organization for all NASPSPA members in Latin America and the Caribbean. The ID serves as the parent organization for all NASPSPA members from around the world.


NASPSPA engages in a number of activities to further its mission. These activities include: (1) hosting an annual conference; (2) publishing the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology (JSEP); (3) providing research grants and awards; (4) organizing workshops and symposia; (5) sponsoring research projects; (6) providing a forum for the exchange of ideas; (7) developing policy related to SEPA; and (8) serving as a resource for the public.


NASPSPA has made significant contributions to the field of SEPA. Since its inception, the organization has: (1) promoted the development of new theory and research; (2) fostered the application of psychological science; (3) provided a forum for the exchange of ideas; (4) facilitated communication between scientists and practitioners; (5) increased awareness of the importance of psychological and behavioral aspects of SEPA; and (6) developed policy related to SEPA.


The North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity (NASPSPA) is an international, interdisciplinary organization dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the field of sport, exercise, and physical activity. The organization has made significant contributions to the field and continues to be a leader in promoting the development of new theory and research, fostering the application of psychological science, and increasing awareness of the importance of psychological and behavioral aspects of SEPA.


Baker, J., & Eklund, R. C. (2005). North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity: An overview. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 27(2), 223-233.

Kerr, J. H., & Kavussanu, M. (2008). North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity: The past, present, and future. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1(1), 91-101.

Kersting, J. (2019). North American Society for the Psychology of Sport and Physical Activity: An overview of past and present activities. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 17(4), 435-443.

NASPSPA. (2020). About NASPSPA. Retrieved from

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