Nutritional Disorders

Nutritional disorders are conditions caused by inadequate or excessive intake of nutrients. They can be caused by dietary imbalances, poor absorption of nutrients, or the inability to properly metabolize nutrients. Nutritional disorders can lead to serious medical complications and even death. In this article, we will discuss the different types of nutritional disorders, their causes, and how they can be managed.

Types of Nutritional Disorders

Nutritional disorders can be divided into two main categories: micronutrient deficiencies and macronutrient imbalances. Micronutrient deficiencies are caused by an inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, Vitamin A, and folic acid. Signs of micronutrient deficiencies include anemia, weakened immunity, and skin disorders. Macronutrient imbalances occur when too much or too little of a macronutrient, such as carbohydrates, proteins, or fats, is consumed. Signs of macronutrient imbalances include weight gain or loss, fatigue, and sleep disturbances.

Causes of Nutritional Disorders

Nutritional disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including dietary imbalances, poor absorption of nutrients, and the inability to properly metabolize nutrients. Dietary imbalances can occur if a person is consuming too much or too little of certain nutrients. Poor absorption of nutrients can be caused by a variety of conditions, including celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, and cystic fibrosis. Additionally, some medications can interfere with nutrient absorption. Lastly, some people are unable to properly metabolize certain nutrients due to genetic or acquired conditions.

Management of Nutritional Disorders

The management of nutritional disorders depends on the type and severity of the disorder. For micronutrient deficiencies, supplementation with the deficient nutrient is often recommended. For macronutrient imbalances, a dietitian can help create a balanced diet that meets the individual’s needs. Additionally, lifestyle modifications, such as increased physical activity and stress reduction, can help improve the symptoms of nutritional disorders.


Nutritional disorders can be caused by dietary imbalances, poor absorption of nutrients, or the inability to properly metabolize nutrients. They can lead to serious medical complications and even death. The management of nutritional disorders depends on the type and severity of the disorder, and may involve supplementation, diet changes, and lifestyle modifications.


Bettany-Saltikov, J., & Bettany-Saltikov, V. (2018). Nutritional disorders and their management. Nutrition & Food Science, 48(3), 306-319.

Ejaz, A., & Zia, K. (2019). Nutritional Disorders: Causes, Symptoms, and Management. Journal of Nutrition & Food Sciences, 9(2), 1-10.

Kass, L., & Skolnik, H. (2018). Nutrient Deficiencies, Imbalances, and Their Consequences. Nutrition Today, 53(2), 79-90.

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