the dynamics of personality operating, that being, personality systems which alter over time and across situations as the person interacts with various individuals and occurrences in their surroundings. Personality processes are generally compared to character anatomy, that being, the steady, enduring components of a person’s character, character psychology the step-by-step evaluation of the human character, inclusive of (i) the nature and definition of character- (ii) its maturation and growth- (ii) the anatomy of the self- (iv) key theories- (v) character disorders- (vi) personal variations- and (vii) character examinations and gauges. Personality psychologists tend to analyze more-or-less enduring and steady single variations in adults and have classically assigned a central part to human drives and the interior dynamics of human behavior, including both unconscious and conscious motivational drives, aspects, and problems. Personality theories intend to synthesize mental, emotional, motivational, growth-based, and cultural factors of individuality into consolidated contexts for making sense of the individual human life. The primary families of personality theories are inclusive of the psychodynamic, behavioral, and humanistic families.

PERSONALITY PROCESSES: “Today, we are going to study personality processes.”
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