Process Research: A Comprehensive Overview

Process research is an important area of study in the field of psychology. It seeks to understand how people think, feel, and behave in order to develop interventions and strategies for effective problem solving and decision making. This article provides a comprehensive overview of process research, from its definition and scope to current research trends and applications.

Definition and Scope

Process research is a branch of psychology that studies how people make decisions, solve problems, and manage their emotions. It involves the examination of both conscious and unconscious processes, such as how people choose, plan, and execute strategies. It also includes the study of cognitive processes, such as memory, attention, problem solving, and concept formation. Process research is typically conducted in experimental, naturalistic, or clinical settings, and can involve interviews, surveys, and laboratory experiments.

Current Research Trends

Process research has seen a recent surge in interest, particularly in the areas of decision making and problem solving. This is due to the fact that many of the decisions we make in everyday life involve complex and often conflicting goals and values. As such, researchers have sought to understand the role of cognitive processes in decision making, in order to develop interventions and strategies that can help people better manage their decisions. Additionally, researchers have studied how people use problem solving strategies in order to develop effective solutions to difficult problems.


Process research has numerous applications in both the academic and clinical contexts. In the academic context, process research has informed our understanding of how people learn and remember information, as well as how they make decisions. This information has been used to develop educational interventions and strategies that can help people improve their academic performance. Additionally, process research has been used to inform policy decisions, as well as to identify potential areas of improvement in the workplace.

In the clinical context, process research has been used to develop interventions and strategies that can help people manage their emotions and better cope with mental illness. Additionally, process research has been used to inform treatments for substance abuse and addiction.


Process research is an important area of study in psychology that seeks to understand how people think, feel, and behave. This article provides a comprehensive overview of process research, from its definition and scope to current research trends and applications. Process research has numerous applications in both the academic and clinical contexts, and has informed our understanding of how people learn, make decisions, and cope with mental illness.


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