The Psychonomic Society is a global organization of professionals dedicated to the advancement of the science of psychology and cognition. Founded in 1959, the Society’s mission is to promote the science of psychology and cognition and its applications. The Society achieves this goal by publishing research in its prestigious journals, sponsoring conferences, providing educational programs, and hosting professional development activities.

The Society’s members are from a variety of disciplines, including psychology, cognitive science, neuroscience, linguistics, artificial intelligence, computer science, and philosophy. Members use the Society’s resources to stay abreast of current research and to collaborate with other researchers in the field. The Society also serves as an advocate for the scientific study of cognition, and it provides educational resources and research funding to support research in the field.

The primary publication of the Society is its flagship journal, Psychonomic Bulletin & Review (PBR). PBR is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes empirical studies, theoretical reviews, and important methodological advances in the science of psychology and cognition. PBR is widely read by researchers in the field and is highly respected for its rigorous standards for research performed within the Society’s scope.

In addition to PBR, the Society also publishes seven other journals, including Memory & Cognition, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, and Visual Cognition. The Society also offers educational programs and professional development opportunities through its annual meeting, held each autumn in the United States. The Society’s annual meeting provides members with a forum for exchanging ideas and discussing current research in the field.

The Psychonomic Society has been a leader in the advancement of the science of psychology and cognition for more than five decades. Its commitment to excellence in research, education, and advocacy has led to a thriving membership and a prominent place in the field of cognitive science.


American Psychological Association. (2020). About the psychonomic society. Retrieved from

Psychonomic Society. (2020). Psychonomic society journals. Retrieved from

Psychonomic Society. (2020). About the psychonomic society annual meeting. Retrieved from

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