Psychotechnology: Using Technology to Advance Psychological Research and Practice

Psychotechnology is a rapidly growing field that combines psychology, technology, and neuroscience to develop innovative tools and techniques to help individuals address psychological issues. This field of study is becoming increasingly important as technology continues to advance and as psychological research and practice become more complex. In this article, we will discuss the history and development of psychotechnology, its current applications, and its implications for the future.

The term “psychotechnology” was first used in the late 1950s to describe the application of technology to psychological research and practice. Over the years, the field has expanded to include the use of technology for mental health assessment, therapy, and training (Cox, 2005; Gnambs, 2015). The most common applications of psychotechnology include virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), mobile applications, computer-assisted psychotherapy, tele-therapy, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), and wearables (Länger et al., 2020).

Virtual reality and augmented reality have been used in the study and treatment of psychological issues for several decades (Gnambs, 2015). VR and AR technologies allow individuals to experience virtual environments that mimic real-world situations. This technology has been used to treat conditions such as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and phobias (Länger et al., 2020). Mobile applications are also increasingly being used in the field of psychology. For example, “mood tracking” apps can be used to monitor moods and provide users with tools to manage their mental health (Cox, 2005; Gnambs, 2015).

Computer-assisted psychotherapy (CAP) is another application of psychotechnology. CAP is a form of therapy in which a virtual therapist interacts with a patient through a computer interface (Länger et al., 2020). CAP has been used to treat a variety of psychological issues, including anxiety, depression, and phobias. Tele-therapy is a form of therapy in which a therapist and a patient interact via video conferencing (Cox, 2005). This technology has been used to provide remote mental health services to individuals who may not be able to access traditional forms of therapy.

AI and ML are two of the most recent developments in psychotechnology. AI is the use of computers to simulate human intelligence (Gnambs, 2015). ML is the use of computers to learn from data and identify patterns (Länger et al., 2020). AI and ML are being used to develop new psychological assessment and therapy tools. For example, AI and ML are being used to develop “virtual therapists” that can provide personalized, evidence-based care (Cox, 2005; Gnambs, 2015).

Finally, wearables are a type of technology that can be used to monitor and track physical and mental health data. Wearables can be used to track heart rate, sleep patterns, stress levels, and more (Länger et al., 2020). This data can then be used to develop personalized treatment plans and to identify potential areas of improvement.

Psychotechnology is an exciting and rapidly developing field that has the potential to revolutionize the field of psychology. By utilizing new technologies, researchers and practitioners are able to develop innovative tools and techniques to help individuals address psychological issues. As the field of psychotechnology continues to evolve, it is likely that new and exciting applications will continue to emerge.


Cox, S. (2005). The use of technology in psychology: A review and practical guide. The American Psychologist, 60(6), 577–588.

Gnambs, T. (2015). The use of technology in psychology: A systematic review. Psychological Test and Assessment Modeling, 57(3), 267–285.

Länger, G., Böckle, M., Kliegel, M., & Köhne, S. (2020). Psychological interventions using technology: A systematic review. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy, 27(4), 945-960.

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