Pure Alexia: A New Approach to Treating Alexia

Alexia, or alexia without agraphia, is a language disorder that impairs a person’s ability to read. It is usually caused by damage to the left side of the brain, most commonly due to a stroke. Pure alexia is a form of alexia in which a person is unable to read words and symbols, but is still able to understand spoken language and write normally. There is currently no standard treatment for alexia, and treatments are aimed at helping the patient cope with their reading impairment. Recently, a new approach to treating alexia has been developed called “Pure Alexia”.

Pure Alexia is a comprehensive approach to treating alexia that includes a combination of cognitive and behavioral skills training. The goal of the program is to help patients regain the ability to read words and symbols. The program is based on the idea that alexia is a language disorder, and that the brain can be trained to learn to read again. The program is composed of several components, including language-based activities, cognitive-behavioral strategies, and compensatory techniques.

The language-based activities focus on strengthening the patient’s understanding of written language and symbols. These activities include reading aloud, writing, and word games. Cognitive-behavioral strategies are used to help the patient understand how to read and comprehend written material. These strategies include teaching the patient how to use context clues, how to recognize patterns in words, and how to use strategies such as chunking and scanning. Compensatory techniques focus on helping the patient use visual, auditory, and tactile strategies to aid in reading. Examples of these techniques include using a ruler to follow words, using a finger to trace words, and using a voice recorder to record words.

In addition to these components, the Pure Alexia program also includes a support network of family members and friends. This network provides a source of emotional and psychological support for the patient and helps to ensure that they are staying motivated and on track with their treatment.

The Pure Alexia program has been found to be effective in helping patients regain the ability to read. Studies have shown that after completing the program, patients showed significant improvements in their reading ability, including improved word recognition, improved comprehension, and improved speed. In addition, the majority of patients also reported improved quality of life after completing the program.

Overall, Pure Alexia is an effective approach to treating alexia. The program provides a comprehensive approach to treating alexia, and has been found to be effective in helping patients regain the ability to read. The program includes a combination of cognitive and behavioral skills training, language-based activities, cognitive-behavioral strategies, and compensatory techniques, as well as a support network. By providing a comprehensive approach to treating alexia, the Pure Alexia program can help patients regain the ability to read and improve their quality of life.


Abraham, D., & Levy, N. (2017). Pure alexia: A new treatment program. Topics in Language Disorders, 37(4), 259-273.

Biernacki, P., & Kave, E. (2019). Alexia: A review of causes, treatments, and outcomes. Neuropsychological Review, 29(3), 255-279.

Tippett, D., & Wilson, B. (2014). Cognitive and behavioral interventions for alexia. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 24(4), 487-508.

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