The Push Model is a model of communication which utilizes the notion of a sender and a receiver. It is a one-way model of communication, where the sender has control over the message and its delivery to the receiver. The Push Model is commonly used in marketing and advertising, where it is seen as an effective way to reach a wide audience. This article will discuss the concept of the Push Model, its characteristics, and its advantages and disadvantages.

section{The Push Model}

The Push Model is a one-way communication model which involves a sender pushing a message to a receiver. The sender is in control of the message, its content, and its delivery, while the receiver is passively receiving the message. The message may be in the form of a physical product, such as a brochure, or an advertisement, or it may be delivered digitally, such as through email or text messages. The Push Model is effective in reaching a large audience, as the sender can broadcast their message to many receivers.

section{Characteristics of the Push Model}

The Push Model has several key characteristics that differentiate it from other communication models. First, the sender has control over the message and its delivery, while the receiver is receiving the message passively. Second, the sender can broadcast the message to a large audience, allowing them to reach many receivers at once. Third, the sender has the ability to tailor the message to specific audiences, allowing them to target their message to the most receptive recipients. Finally, the Push Model is relatively low cost, as the sender does not have to engage in costly negotiations with the receiver.

section{Advantages and Disadvantages of the Push Model}

The Push Model has several advantages that make it an attractive option for marketers and advertisers. First, it is an effective way to reach a large audience, as the sender can broadcast their message to many receivers. Second, the sender has control over the message and its delivery, allowing them to tailor the message to specific audiences. Third, the Push Model is relatively low cost, as the sender does not have to engage in costly negotiations with the receiver.

However, the Push Model also has several drawbacks. First, it is a one-way model of communication, meaning that the sender does not receive any feedback from the receiver. Second, the message may not be tailored effectively to the receiver, as the sender may not have a full understanding of the receiver’s preferences and needs. Third, the Push Model is not well suited for more complex messages, as the sender may not have the time or resources to properly explain the message to the receiver.


The Push Model is a one-way communication model which involves a sender pushing a message to a receiver. The sender is in control of the message, its content, and its delivery, while the receiver is passively receiving the message. The Push Model has several advantages, such as its effectiveness in reaching a wide audience and its low cost, but it also has some drawbacks, such as its lack of feedback and its inability to effectively convey complex messages.


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Steinberg, B., & Schaeffer, R. (2009). Advertising & promotion: An integrated marketing communications perspective. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

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