Reactional Biography: A New Tool for Exploring Human Lives

Reactional biography is a new approach to understanding the lives of individuals. This method of biographical inquiry combines traditional narrative and historical approaches with a focus on the reactions people have to major life events. It is based on the idea that people’s responses to changes in their lives can provide insight into their unique life stories. By studying the ways people react to major life events, researchers can gain greater insight into the complexities of individual lives.

The idea of reactional biography emerged from studies in psychology, sociology, and history. These fields have long recognized the importance of understanding how people respond to major life transitions, such as marriage, divorce, and death. However, the reactional biography approach is novel in that it seeks to explore the reactions of individuals to all sorts of events, not just those traditionally associated with major life transitions. This approach also focuses on how individuals’ reactions to events changes over time and how these changes influence their lives.

Reactional biography offers a number of advantages over traditional biographical methods. First, it provides a more nuanced understanding of individual lives. By closely examining people’s reactions to events, researchers can gain insight into how these events shape their lives. Second, reactional biography allows researchers to explore the ways in which individuals’ attitudes change over time in response to major life events. This can help researchers understand the complexities of individual life stories. Finally, reactional biography is an effective way to study the effects of historical events on individual lives. By examining how people react to major events, researchers can gain insight into the ways in which those events shape people’s attitudes and experiences.

Reactional biography has been used to explore a variety of topics, including the experience of immigrants, war veterans, and individuals who have experienced major life transitions. Researchers have found that this approach can provide insights into the ways in which individuals’ experiences shape their lives. For example, one study used reactional biography to explore the experiences of Vietnam War veterans. The results showed that veterans’ reactions to their war experiences changed over time, and that these changes had a profound impact on their lives.

Reactional biography is a promising new tool for exploring individual lives. It can provide a more nuanced understanding of how major life events shape individuals’ attitudes and experiences. As more research is conducted on this approach, it is likely to become an increasingly important tool for biographical inquiry.


Kraut, A. M., & Gifford, S. M. (2009). The use of reactional biography to explore the experiences of Vietnam War veterans. Qualitative Health Research, 19(4), 514-527.

Hofmann, D. C. (2013). Reactional biography: A new tool for biographical inquiry. Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly, 36(3), 522-543.

Fell, J. (2014). Life stories: Narrative inquiry and reactional biography. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 13(3), 1-13.

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