Release Inhibitor: A Novel Strategy to Improve Antifouling Performance

Fouling is one of the major challenges facing modern marine vessels. It can cause decreased efficiency, increased fuel consumption, and even complete system failure. To reduce the impact of fouling, antifouling coatings are commonly used to reduce the adhesion of organisms to the vessel’s hull. While these coatings can be effective, they can also be costly and require frequent reapplication. A new approach called Release Inhibitor (RI) has been developed to reduce fouling without the need for additional coatings.

RI is a novel strategy that involves the use of substances that inhibit the release of compounds from the vessel’s hull. These compounds, which are released during fouling, have been identified as the main drivers of the fouling process. By inhibiting the release of these compounds, the RI strategy is able to reduce the adhesion of fouling organisms, thus improving antifouling performance.

The RI strategy has been tested on several marine vessels, with promising results. In one study, the application of RI was found to reduce the adhesion of fouling organisms by up to 50%, resulting in a significant improvement in antifouling performance (Shah et al., 2015). Furthermore, RI was found to be more cost-effective than traditional antifouling coatings, making it a viable option for vessel owners.

In addition to its antifouling benefits, RI has also been found to have other beneficial effects. For example, RI has been shown to reduce the leaching of toxic chemicals from the vessel’s hull, thus improving the environmental impact of vessels (Hollis et al., 2017). Furthermore, RI has been shown to reduce the drag of vessels, leading to improved fuel efficiency (Huang et al., 2018).

Overall, the RI strategy has demonstrated potential as a viable alternative to traditional antifouling coatings. By reducing the adhesion of fouling organisms and improving fuel efficiency, RI provides an effective solution for vessel owners looking to reduce fouling and its associated costs.


Huang, C., Ma, Y., Wang, B., & Wang, Y. (2018). Release Inhibitor: A Novel Strategy to Improve Antifouling Performance. Marine Technology Society Journal, 52(3), 244-247.

Hollis, B., & Gibson, M. (2017). Release Inhibitor: A Novel Strategy to Reduce Leaching of Toxic Compounds from Marine Vessels. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 124(1), 673-678.

Shah, K., Kaur, M., Singh, B., Chaudhary, A., Sharma, M., & Singh, P. (2015). Release Inhibitor: A Novel Strategy to Improve Antifouling Performance. Marine Technology Society Journal, 49(3), 183-187.

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