Research Ethics

Research ethics is the set of ethical principles that guide the conduct of research activities. Research ethics is a cornerstone of the scientific process and all research activities should be conducted in accordance with ethical principles. Research ethics promotes respect for the autonomy of research participants, integrity in the design and conduct of research, and accountability for the outcomes of research.

The ethical principles of research ethics are based on respect for the autonomy of research participants, integrity in the design and conduct of research, and accountability for the outcomes of research. Respect for the autonomy of research participants includes protecting their rights to privacy and confidentiality, allowing them to make informed decisions about their participation in research activities, and ensuring that their contributions to research are fully recognized. Integrity in research design and conduct involves conducting research in a manner that is transparent, honest, and free from bias. Accountability for research outcomes involves ensuring that research results are accurately reported and that research participants are not subject to harm or exploitation.

Research ethics is an important component of the research process and all research activities should be conducted in accordance with ethical principles. In order to ensure that research activities are conducted ethically, researchers should consult their institutional research ethics boards and adhere to any relevant laws or regulations.


Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, & Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. (2018). Tri-Agency Framework: Responsible Conduct of Research. Retrieved from

National Institutes of Health. (n.d.). Ethics in Research. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Research Ethics. Retrieved from

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