Sport psychology is an interdisciplinary field which focuses on the psychological aspects of sport and exercise. Research sport psychologists are dedicated to understanding how psychological factors can impact an athlete’s performance. This can include researching the psychology of motivation, goal-setting, skill acquisition, injury rehabilitation, and performance optimization. Research sport psychologists use a variety of research methods to better understand the mental demands of sport and exercise, and to develop strategies that can help improve physical performance and psychological wellbeing.

Motivation is an important factor in sport and exercise, and research sport psychologists have studied the impact of various motivational factors on performance. Goal-setting has long been used as an effective way to motivate and guide athletes, and research sport psychologists have used a range of techniques to study how athletes set and reach their goals. Recent research has focused on the role of psychological skills, such as self-talk and imagery, in improving performance. Research sport psychologists have also studied the effects of injury and rehabilitation on athletes, and the psychological strategies that can be used to help athletes return to their pre-injury levels of performance.

In addition to studying the psychological aspects of sport and exercise, research sport psychologists are also interested in understanding how psychological factors can be used to optimize performance. This can include researching the impact of team dynamics, the use of psychological interventions to enhance performance, and the influence of nutrition on performance. Research sport psychologists often collaborate with other professionals, such as coaches, exercise physiologists, and nutritionists, to develop comprehensive programs for athletes.

Overall, research sport psychologists play an important role in understanding and improving the psychological aspects of sport and exercise. By researching the psychological aspects of sport and exercise, they can help athletes reach their full potential and improve their overall wellbeing.


Frank, J. S., & Duda, J. L. (2003). Goal setting in sport and exercise: A research synthesis to resolve the controversy. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 25(4), 441-457.

Hanson, A. L., & Frese, M. (2016). Self-regulation and performance enhancement: A review of psychological skills training and the mental game. International Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 14(2), 103-127.

McNair, P. J., & Orlick, T. (2020). Psychological strategies for injury rehabilitation and return to sport: A review. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 47, 101663.

Petruzzello, S. J., Landers, D. M., Hatfield, B. D., Kubitz, K. A., & Salazar, W. (1991). A meta-analysis on the anxiety-reducing effects of acute and chronic exercise: Outcomes and mechanisms. Psychological Bulletin, 110(2), 235-255.

Szabo, A., & Visek, A. J. (2018). A review of sport psychology interventions for enhancing performance. Current Sports Medicine Reports, 17(3), 182-189.

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