Reversible figure-ground is an optical illusion where a figure and a background can be seen in multiple ways. The most common example of this is the Rubin vase, which can be seen as either two faces or a vase (Rubin, 1915). This phenomenon is due to the Gestalt principle of perception, which states that observers tend to perceive a whole structure, rather than individual components (Koffka, 1935).

Reversible figure-ground illusions are used to study how people perceive images (Lillakas, 2015). In particular, researchers have studied how the figure-ground organization affects the perception of an image. For example, it has been found that when the figure is in the foreground and the background is in the background, the figure is perceived more quickly than when the figure and background are inverted (Tversky & Hemenway, 1984). This suggests that figure-ground organization is an important factor in visual perception.

In addition to being studied in psychology, reversible figure-ground illusions have also been used in art and design. For example, the Rubin vase has been used to create artwork that can be seen in different ways (Kanizsa, 1976). This type of artwork is often referred to as anamorphic art.

In conclusion, reversible figure-ground illusions are fascinating phenomena that are used to study how people perceive images and create artwork. By understanding the Gestalt principles of perception, researchers and artists can create artwork that can be seen in multiple ways.


Kanizsa, G. (1976). Subjective contours. Scientific American, 234(4), 48-52.

Koffka, K. (1935). Principles of Gestalt psychology. Harcourt Brace & Company.

Lillakas, L. (2015). Figure-ground perception: A review of the literature. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 120(1), 160-170.

Rubin, G. (1915). Visuell wahrgenommene figuren. Psychologische Forschung, 1(4), 289-303.

Tversky, B., & Hemenway, K. (1984). Objects, parts, and categories. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 113(3), 169-193.

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