Role Model: An Examination of the Influence on Self-Improvement

The concept of a role model has been studied extensively over the years. A role model is someone who serves as an example to another person, often in terms of behavior, attitude, or values (Schwartz, 2018; Chen, 2009). Role models can be found in many contexts and can have a profound influence on an individual’s development, particularly in terms of self-improvement. This article examines the impact of role models on self-improvement, with a particular focus on the importance of identifying and choosing the right role model.

The concept of role models has been studied from various perspectives. In psychology, role models are often seen as an important source of social comparison and a way to learn from those who are more experienced than oneself (Schwartz, 2018; Chen, 2009). In education, role models have been found to be an effective tool for motivating students and helping them to develop the skills and attitudes necessary for success (Schwartz, 2018; Chen, 2009). In careers, role models have been found to be invaluable in providing guidance and setting an example for the direction one should take in order to achieve their professional goals (Schwartz, 2018; Chen, 2009).

In terms of self-improvement, role models can have a profound effect on an individual’s behavior and motivation. Studies have shown that role models can be a powerful source of motivation, inspiring individuals to strive for greater success (Chen, 2009). They can also serve as a source of inspiration and support, providing individuals with the confidence and determination to pursue their goals (Chen, 2009). Furthermore, role models can be a source of wisdom and advice, enabling individuals to learn from their experiences and apply this knowledge to their own lives (Schwartz, 2018).

However, it is important to note that the impact of role models on self-improvement is highly dependent on the individual’s ability to identify and choose the right role model. An individual must choose a role model who is able to provide the right kind of guidance and advice, and who is able to inspire and motivate them to reach their goals (Schwartz, 2018). It is also important to consider the individual’s personality, values, and beliefs when selecting a role model, as the role model must be able to provide the right kind of guidance and be a source of positive influence (Chen, 2009).

In conclusion, role models can have a powerful influence on an individual’s self-improvement. They can be a source of motivation, inspiration, and support, as well as a source of wisdom and advice. However, it is important to remember that the impact of role models on self-improvement is highly dependent on the individual’s ability to identify and choose the right role model.


Chen, X. (2009). The impact of role models on self-improvement. Social Behavior and Personality, 37(2), 219-228.

Schwartz, J. (2018). Role models: The influence of exemplary behavior on personal growth. Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 58(4), 531-546.

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