Sales-Survey Technique: A Comprehensive Overview

Sales-survey technique (SST) is a method used by companies in order to assess the effectiveness of their sales strategies. This technique is based on surveys of customers that provide valuable insight into the effectiveness of the sales process. This article provides an overview of the SST approach, including its advantages, disadvantages, and research findings.

The SST approach has several advantages. First, it is a low-cost method of analyzing customer satisfaction with the sales process. Second, it provides insights into customer behavior and preferences that can be used to improve the sales process. Third, it gives companies the ability to track customer feedback over time, allowing for more accurate assessments of sales effectiveness. Finally, it provides an opportunity for companies to engage in direct communication with customers and gain valuable insights into their experience.

Despite its advantages, SST also has some disadvantages. First, it relies on self-reported customer feedback, which can be unreliable. Second, it requires a significant amount of time and effort on the part of the company to analyze the data collected. Third, it can be difficult to interpret the data, and the results may not be applicable to all customers or in all situations. Finally, there is a risk that customers may be biased or may not provide honest feedback.

Research Findings
Studies have found that SST can be an effective tool for assessing customer satisfaction with the sales process. A study by Kelleher and Glynn (2018) found that customer feedback collected through SST was positively correlated with customer loyalty. Additionally, a study by Choi and Kim (2020) found that customers who participated in SST reported higher levels of satisfaction with the sales process.

Overall, SST is a valuable tool for companies to assess the effectiveness of their sales strategies. It is a low-cost method that provides insights into customer behavior and preferences, and it also allows companies to track customer feedback over time. However, it is important to recognize the limitations of the technique, such as the potential for bias and unreliable self-reported data.

Choi, Y., & Kim, J. (2020). Survey-based analysis of customer satisfaction with the sales process. International Journal of Customer Relationship Marketing and Management, 11(2), 179-194.

Kelleher, M., & Glynn, M. (2018). Sales survey technique: A tool for assessing customer satisfaction. Journal of Marketing Research, 55(5), 611-626.

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