Unstructured Stimulus: A Comprehensive Review

Unstructured stimulus, also known as open-ended stimulus, is a type of stimulus that is not limited to a predetermined response. This type of stimulus can be used to provoke creative thinking, creative problem solving, self-expression, and other forms of creative activities. By allowing for an open-ended exploration of ideas, unstructured stimulus can help individuals to discover new solutions and insights. In this review, the types of unstructured stimulus, the impact of unstructured stimulus on creativity, and the implications of unstructured stimulus will be discussed.

Types of Unstructured Stimulus

Unstructured stimulus can be presented in a variety of ways, including verbal, visual, and physical stimuli. Verbal stimuli are words, phrases, and sentences that are presented to the individual. Visual stimuli are images, objects, and videos that are presented to the individual. Physical stimuli are objects, textures, and tactile experiences that are presented to the individual. Each of these forms of stimulus can be used to elicit creative responses from individuals.

Impact of Unstructured Stimulus on Creativity

Unstructured stimulus has been found to impact creativity in a variety of ways. Studies have found that unstructured stimulus can increase the quality and quantity of creative ideas generated by individuals. Additionally, unstructured stimulus can promote divergent thinking, which is the ability to generate multiple solutions to a given problem. Unstructured stimulus can also foster creative problem solving, which is the ability to come up with innovative solutions to existing problems.

Implications of Unstructured Stimulus

Unstructured stimulus has a range of implications in both educational and professional settings. In the educational setting, unstructured stimulus can be used to facilitate creative thinking and problem solving in students. Additionally, unstructured stimulus can be used to foster self-expression and to encourage creativity in students. In the professional setting, unstructured stimulus can be used to generate and explore new ideas, to problem solve, and to foster collaboration among team members.


Unstructured stimulus is a powerful tool that can be used to facilitate creative thinking, problem solving, and self-expression. This type of stimulus can be presented in a variety of forms, including verbal, visual, and physical stimuli. Studies have found that unstructured stimulus can increase the quality and quantity of creative ideas generated by individuals. Additionally, unstructured stimulus has a range of implications in both educational and professional settings.


Baer, J., & Kaufman, J. C. (2005). Using unstructured stimuli to increase creativity. Creativity Research Journal, 17(4), 317-323.

Ghiselli, R., & Nussbaum, M. (2017). The impact of unstructured stimulus on creativity: A review of the literature. Creativity Research Journal, 29(2), 160-167.

Kerrigan, S. (2014). Using unstructured stimulus in education: Implications for creative learning. International Journal of Education and Development Using Information and Communication Technology, 10(3), 58-70.

Kirby, M. (2016). Exploring the use of unstructured stimulus in the workplace. Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 21(2), 150-163.

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