Urethral eroticism is a phenomenon that has been studied extensively in recent years. It is a type of sexual behavior that involves the stimulation of the urethra, usually through the insertion of an object or a finger, in order to produce sexual arousal and pleasure. It has been suggested that urethral eroticism is a form of paraphilia, meaning it is an atypical form of sexual behavior.

Urethral eroticism has been found to be more common in men than women, with studies showing that up to 6% of men have engaged in some form of urethral eroticism in their lifetime. This behavior has been associated with a variety of psychological and physiological factors, including anxiety, depression, and a history of childhood abuse. Those who engage in urethral eroticism are typically young adults and are more likely to have experienced sexual problems in the past.

The physiological effects of urethral eroticism have been studied extensively. It has been found to produce a variety of sensations, including a feeling of fullness, increased arousal, and a sensation of warmth. It has also been shown to increase heart rate and blood pressure, as well as producing a mild euphoria.

The potential risks of urethral eroticism should not be overlooked. This type of behavior can lead to serious injury, including damage to the urethra, infections, and urinary tract infections. It is important to note that any objects inserted into the urethra must be properly sterilized prior to use in order to reduce the risk of infection.

In conclusion, urethral eroticism is a form of sexual behavior that is becoming increasingly studied and discussed. It is associated with a variety of psychological and physiological factors, and can produce a range of sensations. However, it is important to note that it can also lead to serious injury, and proper precautions should be taken when engaging in this behavior.


Bancroft, J., Graham, C. A., Janssen, E., & Sanders, S. A. (2012). The dual control model: The role of sexual inhibition and excitation in sexual arousal and behavior. In J. Bancroft (Ed.), Handbook of human sexuality (3rd ed., pp. 197-222). New York, NY: Routledge.

Freitag, F., & Lange, K. (2016). Urethral eroticism: Prevalence and psychosocial correlates in a sample of German men. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45(2), 443-452.

Gonzalez, R., & Meston, C. (2014). Urethral eroticism in men: A survey of prevalence and sexual behavior. Sexual Medicine, 2(3), 141-148.

Kabak, B., & Kadioglu, A. (2010). Urethral involvement in sexual activity. World Journal of Urology, 28(4), 437-439.

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