Walden Two: A Review of the Classic Utopian Work

Walden Two (1948) by American philosopher and behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner is one of the most influential pieces of utopian literature in the 20th century. The novel stands apart from the traditional utopian works of the time in its focus on behavioral psychology and its use of the scientific method to create an ideal society. This paper will review the novel’s most important themes and analyze its impact on the utopian genre.

The novel’s main theme is the idea of using behavioral psychology as the basis of a utopian society. Skinner’s novel is set in a utopian community called Walden Two, where the citizens are taught to use behavior modification techniques to control their own behavior and create a more harmonious society. The citizens of Walden Two are taught to use positive reinforcement, operant conditioning, and other forms of behavior modification to shape their behavior and create a more harmonious society.

The novel is also notable for its focus on scientific methodology. Skinner himself was a strong proponent of the scientific method and believed that the best way to create a utopian society was to use empirical data to find the best solutions to social problems. The citizens of Walden Two use scientific methods to solve their problems, such as using experiments to determine the best way to educate their children.

The novel also contains themes of social control. The citizens of Walden Two are encouraged to use their own behavior to control the behavior of others. This is done through the use of positive reinforcement, as well as the use of punishment for those who do not follow the rules. The novel also contains themes of social engineering, as the citizens of Walden Two are able to control their environment and create a better society through the use of technology and science.

Finally, the novel’s impact on the utopian genre cannot be understated. Walden Two was one of the first works of utopian literature to focus on the use of behavioral psychology and scientific methodology to create a more ideal society. The novel has had a lasting influence on the utopian genre, and its ideas are still relevant today.

In conclusion, Walden Two is an important work of utopian literature. The novel’s focus on behavioral psychology and its use of the scientific method to create an ideal society have made it one of the most influential works of utopian literature in the 20th century. The novel’s ideas are still relevant today and its influence on the utopian genre cannot be overstated.


Skinner, B. F. (1948). Walden Two. Macmillan.

Habermas, J. (2020). Utopia and utopian literature: An overview. In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved from https://www.britannica.com/topic/utopia-and-utopian-literature

Ginsberg, R. (2009). B.F. Skinner and his Walden Two. In The Cambridge Companion to Utopian Literature. Cambridge University Press.

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