Widow-to-Widow Program: A Qualitative Exploration of Widows’ Experiences


This study explored the experiences of widows who participated in a Widow-to-Widow program, a peer support group for widows. A qualitative descriptive design was employed, using semi-structured interviews with 7 widows. Thematic analysis revealed that the participants experienced a range of emotions, including sadness, loneliness, and guilt. The Widow-to-Widow program provided participants with a sense of understanding and validation, as well as a sense of belonging and support. The findings suggest that peer support programs, such as the Widow-to-Widow program, are beneficial to widows in helping them cope with the grieving process.

Keywords: widow-to-widow program, peer support, widowhood, grief


Widowhood is a significant life transition that can be associated with a range of physical, psychological, social, and economic challenges (Lund et al., 2018). Previous research has found that widows experience higher levels of physical and mental health problems such as increased risk of depression, anxiety, physical health problems, psychological distress, and social isolation (Lund et al., 2018). To address these issues, peer support programs have been developed to provide widows with emotional and psychological support. One such program is the Widow-to-Widow program, which provides peer support to widows through group meetings and activities. The purpose of this study was to explore the experiences of widows who participated in the Widow-to-Widow program.


A qualitative descriptive design was employed for this study. Participants were recruited from an existing Widow-to-Widow program in the Midwestern United States. Seven widows participated in semi-structured interviews, which were conducted in person or via Skype. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using thematic analysis.


Thematic analysis of the interviews revealed three main themes: emotional experiences, sense of understanding and validation, and sense of belonging and support. The participants reported a range of emotions, including sadness, loneliness, guilt, and anger. They described feeling isolated and disconnected from the world as they adjusted to their new life as a widow. The Widow-to-Widow program provided the participants with a sense of understanding and validation, as they were able to share their experiences with other widows and receive emotional support. The program also provided a sense of belonging and support, as the participants felt connected to other widows in similar situations.


This study explored the experiences of widows who participated in a Widow-to-Widow program. The findings suggest that peer support programs, such as the Widow-to-Widow program, are beneficial to widows in helping them cope with the grieving process. The participants reported a range of emotions, including sadness, loneliness, guilt, and anger. The Widow-to-Widow program provided the participants with a sense of understanding and validation, as they were able to share their experiences with other widows and receive emotional support. The program also provided a sense of belonging and support, as the participants felt connected to other widows in similar situations.


This study explored the experiences of widows who participated in the Widow-to-Widow program. The findings suggest that peer support programs, such as the Widow-to-Widow program, are beneficial to widows in helping them cope with the grieving process. The participants reported a range of emotions, including sadness, loneliness, guilt, and anger. The Widow-to-Widow program provided the participants with a sense of understanding and validation, as well as a sense of belonging and support.


Lund, R., Mackenzie, C. S., & Strachan, D. (2018). Widowhood and health: A systematic review and meta-analysis. PLoS One, 13(11), e0206857. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206857

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