Wolf children, also known as dog-human hybrids, are children who are born with some of the physical characteristics of a wolf, such as a long snout, sharp teeth, and a thick coat of fur. These children have been reported in numerous countries, including India, China, and the United States. While there have been no confirmed cases of wolf children, the phenomenon has been reported in both scientific and popular literature as well as in folklore.

The first recorded case of a wolf child was reported by the French physician François Régnier de la Planche in 1777. He described a child found in the forest of Champagne, France, with a long snout, sharp teeth, and fur-covered body. The child was unable to speak and had difficulty walking on two legs. The child was eventually brought to a hospital and died soon after.

Since then, there have been numerous reports of wolf children in India, China, and the United States. In India, a “wolf boy” was reportedly found in the jungles of Uttar Pradesh in 1920. In China, a “wolf girl” was reportedly found in the mountains of Sichuan in 1934. And in the United States, there have been several reports of a “wolf girl” in California in the 1960s and 1970s.

While these reports seem to suggest the existence of wolf children, there is no scientific evidence to support their existence. In fact, many of the reported cases have been debunked as hoaxes or misidentifications. For example, the “wolf girl” in California was later discovered to be a feral child with a rare genetic disorder called hypertrichosis.

In conclusion, while reports of wolf children have been around for centuries, there is no scientific evidence to support their existence. However, the phenomenon continues to fascinate researchers and the public alike, as it raises important questions about the relationship between humans and animals.


Gorman, M. (2020). The mystery of the wolf children. National Geographic. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2020/07/mystery-wolf-children/

Hubbard, R. (2020). Wolf children: The myth and reality. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/science/2020/oct/11/wolf-children-the-myth-and-reality

Kumar, A. (2017). Wolf children: A case of hypertrichosis. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research, 7(2), 87–90. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5614993/

Mascarenhas, A. (2015). The mystery of wolf children: A brief history. Scientific American. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/the-mystery-of-wolf-children-a-brief-history/

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