The World Health Organization (WHO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations created in 1948 with the primary objective of achieving the highest level of health for all people worldwide. WHO is the leading global health authority, providing guidance and technical support for health systems around the world. It operates in more than 150 countries, providing a wide range of health-related services, from research and surveillance to health promotion and emergency response. WHO is responsible for setting international health standards and collaborating with governments and other organizations to ensure that these standards are met.

The core functions of WHO include:

1. Developing and setting international health standards and guidelines. WHO works to encourage countries to implement and adhere to evidence-based health standards and guidelines. WHO also helps to coordinate responses to global health threats and works to ensure that all people have access to quality health care.

2. Providing technical support and guidance for health systems. WHO works with governments and other organizations to strengthen health systems in countries around the world. WHO provides technical assistance to help countries design and implement effective health policies, practices, and services.

3. Monitoring and responding to global health threats. WHO monitors global health threats, such as pandemics, and works to develop strategies to respond to these threats. WHO also provides technical assistance to help countries prepare for and respond to public health emergencies.

4. Supporting research and innovation. WHO works to support research and innovation in global health, including through its initiative, the Global Health Innovative Technology Fund. The fund provides grants to support research and development of health technologies, including those related to diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines.

5. Promoting health and well-being. WHO works to promote healthy lifestyles and create environments that enable people to lead healthy lives. WHO also works to reduce health inequalities and promote the rights of marginalized populations.

WHO is crucial to global health and has a wide-ranging influence on the health of people around the world. WHO works to ensure that people everywhere have access to quality health care and to promote health and well-being.


World Health Organization. (2020). About WHO. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2020). Core functions of WHO. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (2020). Global health Innovative technology (GHIT) fund. Retrieved from

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