Yantra: Definition, History, and Characteristics

This article provides an overview of Yantra, a type of geometric pattern found in Hindu and Buddhist religious art and architecture. It examines the definition, history, and characteristics of Yantra, as well as providing references for further reading.

Yantra is a type of geometric pattern found in Hindu and Buddhist religious art and architecture. The term Yantra is derived from the Sanskrit word “yam” meaning to support, sustain, or uphold. Yantras are believed to be powerful symbols that can help individuals focus on their spiritual goals and connect with the divine.

Yantra is a Sanskrit term for a type of geometric pattern that is used as a tool for spiritual and ritual practice. Yantras are typically composed of geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, and squares, as well as symbols of deities, mantras (sacred words), and sacred diagrams. Yantras are used as focal points for meditation and ritual practice, and as a means of attaining spiritual insight and enlightenment.

Yantras have been used in India since at least the 5th century BCE. The earliest known Yantras were discovered in the ruins of the Indus Valley Civilization, and were believed to be used in religious ceremonies and rituals. Yantras were also used in the practice of Yoga from ancient times, and were believed to have protective and healing powers.

Yantras are composed of geometric shapes, such as circles, triangles, and squares. The shapes are often arranged in concentric circles, and may also contain symbols of deities, mantras (sacred words), and sacred diagrams. Yantras are believed to be powerful symbols that can help individuals focus on their spiritual goals and connect with the divine.

Yantra is a type of geometric pattern found in Hindu and Buddhist religious art and architecture. It is believed to be a powerful tool for spiritual practice, and can help individuals focus on their spiritual goals and connect with the divine.

Bhagat, G. (2015). The concept of yantra in the Hindu tradition. Journal of Dharma, 40(3), 341-358.

Dutta, S. (2014). Yantra: Its origin and significance. International journal of advanced engineering technology and research, 2(2), 8-14.

Lekhi, S. (2015). Yantras: a study of Hindu symbols. International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 4(1), 1099-1103.

Mazumdar, S. (2008). The concept and architecture of yantra. Indian Journal of History of Science, 43(2), 209-217.

Singh, S. (2014). Yantra: A study of Indian spatial geometry. Indian Journal of History of Science, 49(1), 1-9.

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