ABUSER: A Comprehensive Review

Mental health disorders, such as abuse, are an issue that has been increasingly discussed in recent years. The aim of this paper is to review the literature on the term “abuser” and to provide an overview of the topics discussed in the literature. The paper will discuss the definition of abuser, the types of abusers, the psychological and behavioral characteristics of abusers, the impact of abuse on victims, and the strategies used by abusers to maintain control in abusive relationships. The paper will also look at the ways in which abusers can be identified and treated.

Definition of Abuser

Abusers are generally defined as individuals who systematically use physical, psychological, or sexual violence as a means of control and domination over another person. This definition includes individuals who perpetrate both intimate partner violence and non-intimate partner violence (e.g., child abuse, elder abuse, and bullying). Abusers are often characterized as individuals who have a pervasive pattern of coercive, controlling, and aggressive behaviors (Capaldi, 2013).

Types of Abusers

Abusers come in many forms. There are physical abusers, sexual abusers, emotional abusers, psychological abusers, financial abusers, and spiritual abusers. Physical abusers are those who use physical force or violence against another person. Sexual abusers are those who use sexual activity or contact to control another person. Emotional abusers are those who use verbal or psychological abuse to manipulate another person. Psychological abusers are those who use psychological techniques to manipulate or control another person. Financial abusers are those who use money or financial resources to control another person. Spiritual abusers are those who use religious or spiritual beliefs to manipulate or control another person (Capaldi, 2013).

Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics of Abusers

Abusers often display a number of psychological and behavioral characteristics, such as a lack of empathy, entitlement, feelings of superiority, and a need for power and control. Abusers may also display low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, and a lack of impulse control. Abusers may also display a tendency to blame others for their own behavior, a lack of accountability, and a tendency to be manipulative and deceptive (Capaldi, 2013).

Impact of Abuse on Victims

Abuse can have a significant impact on victims. Victims of abuse may experience physical, psychological, emotional, and social consequences. Victims may suffer from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and a range of other mental health issues. Victims may also experience social isolation, problems in relationships, and difficulties in school or at work. Victims may feel powerless and ashamed, and may have difficulty trusting others or feeling safe in relationships (Capaldi, 2013).

Strategies Used by Abusers to Maintain Control

Abusers often use a variety of strategies to maintain control in an abusive relationship. Abusers may use fear, intimidation, and threats to control their victims. Abusers may also use economic and psychological control, such as controlling finances or isolating their victims from family and friends. Abusers may also use manipulative tactics, such as gaslighting or minimizing the abuse, to control their victims (Capaldi, 2013).

Identification and Treatment of Abusers

Abusers can be identified through a number of different methods, such as interviews, psychological tests, and observation. Treatment of abusers typically involves psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, and/or medication, such as antidepressants or antipsychotics. Treatment may also involve education about healthy relationships and techniques for managing stress and anger. Treatment may also involve participation in support groups or anger management classes (Capaldi, 2013).


This paper has reviewed the literature on the term “abuser” and has provided an overview of the topics discussed in the literature. The paper has discussed the definition of abuser, the types of abusers, the psychological and behavioral characteristics of abusers, the impact of abuse on victims, and the strategies used by abusers to maintain control in abusive relationships. The paper has also looked at the ways in which abusers can be identified and treated.


Capaldi, D. M. (2013). Intimate partner violence: A comprehensive review of 20 years of research. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 18(1), 1-17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.avb.2012.11.007

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