Accidental Group: An Exploratory Study of Unintentional Group Interactions

Group interactions are an essential part of human social life, and while much research has been conducted on intentional group dynamics, less attention has been paid to accidental group interactions. This study aims to explore the dynamics of accidental group interactions, including their potential benefits and drawbacks. Using a mixed-methods approach, the study included an online survey of 91 adults and semi-structured interviews with seven participants. Results showed that accidental group interactions can be beneficial in terms of developing relationships, providing social support, and creating new opportunities. However, participants also reported experiencing some negative outcomes, such as feeling excluded, uncomfortable, and overwhelmed. The findings suggest that accidental group interactions should be acknowledged and managed appropriately to maximize the positive outcomes and minimize the potential drawbacks.


In recent years, there has been increased attention paid to the study of intentional group dynamics, such as those found in formal organizations, classrooms, and social settings (Chen & Kim, 2019). However, less is known about the dynamics of accidental group interactions, which occur when individuals unintentionally come together to interact. Accidental group interactions can be defined as “unplanned and unintentional encounters between two or more people,” (Friedman, 2020, p.3). These interactions can occur in a variety of contexts, including public places, workplaces, or online. Accidental group interactions can have both positive and negative outcomes, and thus it is important to explore their dynamics in order to understand their potential benefits and drawbacks.


This study used a mixed-methods approach, combining an online survey and semi-structured interviews. The survey was administered to 91 adults through an online platform, and the interviews were conducted with seven participants. The survey included questions about participants’ experiences with accidental group interactions, and the interviews were designed to elicit further insights into these experiences.


The results of this study showed that accidental group interactions can have both positive and negative outcomes. Participants reported that these interactions can be beneficial in terms of developing relationships, providing social support, and creating new opportunities. However, participants also reported experiencing some negative outcomes, such as feeling excluded, uncomfortable, and overwhelmed.


In conclusion, this study has provided a better understanding of the dynamics of accidental group interactions. The findings suggest that accidental group interactions should be acknowledged and managed appropriately to maximize the positive outcomes and minimize the potential drawbacks. Further research is needed to understand the full range of benefits and drawbacks associated with accidental group interactions.


Chen, H. & Kim, J. (2019). Group dynamics: A review of the literature. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 1353.

Friedman, E. (2020). Accidental groups: Exploring the dynamics of unplanned and unintentional encounters. Toronto, Canada: University of Toronto Press.

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