Accutane: A Review of Its Uses, Side Effects, and Efficacy


Accutane (isotretinoin) is a prescription medication approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of severe, recalcitrant nodular acne. It is a potent medication that must be taken under the supervision of a physician and is associated with potentially serious side effects. This review provides an overview of the use of Accutane, its effectiveness, and its side effects.


Acne is a common skin condition that affects many people, particularly adolescents. Severe acne is often difficult to treat and can cause physical and emotional distress. Accutane (isotretinoin) is a medication that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of severe, recalcitrant nodular acne. It is a powerful medication that must be taken under the supervision of a physician and is associated with potentially serious side effects. This review provides an overview of the use of Accutane, its effectiveness, and its side effects.


Accutane is a prescription medication that is used to treat severe, recalcitrant nodular acne. It is typically used when other treatments, such as antibiotics and topical treatments, have failed to provide adequate relief. Accutane has been shown to be effective in treating severe acne, and it is usually prescribed for a course of 16 to 24 weeks.


Accutane has been shown to be effective in treating severe acne. In clinical trials, up to 95% of patients treated with Accutane experienced a reduction in the number and severity of their acne lesions. The effects were seen within four weeks of initiating treatment, and were sustained over the course of treatment.

Side Effects

Accutane is a potent medication and is associated with potentially serious side effects. Common side effects include dry skin, itching, and rashes. Serious side effects can include depression, irritability, and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Patients should be monitored closely while taking Accutane, and should be instructed to report any signs or symptoms of adverse effects to their physician.


Accutane (isotretinoin) is a powerful medication that is used to treat severe, recalcitrant nodular acne. It is typically used when other treatments have failed to provide adequate relief. Accutane has been shown to be effective in treating severe acne, and is associated with potentially serious side effects. Patients should be monitored closely while taking Accutane, and should be instructed to report any signs or symptoms of adverse effects to their physician.


American Academy of Dermatology. (2019). Acne: Overview. Retrieved from

Food and Drug Administration. (2020). Isotretinoin: Drug Approval Package. Retrieved from

Leyden, J. J., & Shalita, A. R. (2005). Isotretinoin: A review of its efficacy and safety in the treatment of cystic and conglobate acne. American Journal of Clinical Dermatology, 6(3), 177–189.

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