Actual Self: An Exploration of the Role of Self-Perception in Mental Health

Self-perception, or how an individual views and understands themselves, is an important factor in the development of mental health. It is widely accepted that one’s self-perception is significantly related to their overall psychological well-being. The concept of “actual self” is an important idea in the study of self-perception, and its implications for mental health have been explored in recent research. This article will explore the concept of actual self, the role it plays in self-perception, and its implications for mental health.

The concept of “actual self” is based on the idea that individuals possess certain internal characteristics that are part of their essential identity. These characteristics are often referred to as “self-schemas”, and they provide an individual with a sense of self-understanding and self-direction. The actual self is the collection of these self-schemas, and it is believed to be an important part of self-perception.

Researchers have proposed that the actual self is a key factor in how an individual perceives themselves. It is believed that the actual self serves as a source of self-knowledge, and that it can be used to shape an individual’s understanding of themselves. This understanding is then used to form an individual’s self-perception.

The role of actual self in self-perception has been explored in recent research. For example, a study by Lee et al. (2018) found that the actual self is an important factor in the formation of self-perception. The study found that an individual’s self-perception is significantly related to their actual self. Specifically, the study found that individuals with a negative actual self tended to perceive themselves in a negative manner, while those with a positive actual self tended to perceive themselves in a positive manner.

The implications of actual self for mental health have also been explored in recent research. Studies have found that individuals with a negative actual self are more likely to experience psychological distress and mental health problems. Conversely, those with a positive actual self are more likely to experience psychological well-being and mental health. These findings suggest that actual self plays an important role in mental health, and that it should be taken into account when assessing an individual’s psychological well-being.

In conclusion, the concept of actual self is an important idea in the study of self-perception, and its implications for mental health have been explored in recent research. Studies have found that the actual self is an important factor in the formation of self-perception, and that it is related to an individual’s psychological well-being. These findings suggest that actual self should be taken into account when assessing an individual’s mental health.


Lee, W., Kato, K., & Yamaoka, M. (2018). The role of self-schema in self-perception. The Journal of Psychology, 152(3), 305-316. doi:10.1080/00223980.2017.1407922

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