Antithesis is a literary and rhetorical device used to express contrasting ideas. It is typically used to express two opposing ideas in a balanced way. Antithesis is the use of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases to highlight the contrast between them (Khan, 2018). Antithesis can be used to emphasize a point, to create a powerful image, or to create a vivid contrast between two ideas (Nordquist, 2019).

The most common use of antithesis is to create a balanced comparison between two ideas. It is often used to make a point or to illustrate a contrast. For example, a speaker might say, “We must learn from the mistakes of the past, lest we repeat them in the future.” This statement is an example of antithesis because it highlights the contrast between learning from the past and repeating mistakes in the future.

In addition to creating a balanced comparison, antithesis can also be used to create a powerful image. For example, a speaker might say, “We must stand together, or we will fall apart.” This statement is an example of antithesis because it highlights the power of unity by contrasting it with the danger of division.

Antithesis can also be used to create a vivid contrast between two ideas. For example, a speaker might say, “Life is full of light and darkness.” This statement is an example of antithesis because it contrasts the brightness of life with the darkness that can sometimes accompany it.

Antithesis is a powerful tool for writers and speakers, as it allows them to express contrasting ideas in a balanced and effective way. By using antithesis, they can create vivid images, emphasize points, and illustrate contrasts.


Khan, S. (2018). What is Antithesis? Definition & Examples of Antithesis. Retrieved from

Nordquist, R. (2019). Antithesis. Retrieved from

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